Jeffrey L. Beck
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Saving the sagebrush sea: an ecosystem conservation plan for big sagebrush plant communities
KW Davies, CS Boyd, JL Beck, JD Bates, TJ Svejcar, MA Gregg
Biological Conservation 144 (11), 2573-2584, 2011
Is ungulate migration culturally transmitted? Evidence of social learning from translocated animals
JAM BR Jesmer, JR Goheen, EO Aikens, JL Beck, AB Courtemanch, ...
Science 361, 1023-1025, 2018
Influences of livestock grazing on sage grouse habitat
JL Beck, DL Mitchell
Wildlife Society Bulletin 28 (4), 993-1002, 2000
Habitat prioritization across large landscapes, multiple seasons, and novel areas: an example using greater sage-grouse in Wyoming
BLW Fedy, B. C., K. E. Doherty, C. L. Aldridge, M. O’Donnell, J. L. Beck, B ...
Wildlife Monographs 190, 1-39, 2014
Diet composition, forage selection, and potential for forage competition among elk, deer, and livestock on aspen–sagebrush summer range
JL Beck, JM Peek
Rangeland Ecology & Management 58 (2), 135-147, 2005
Recovery of greater sage‐grouse habitat features in Wyoming big sagebrush following prescribed fire
JL Beck, JW Connelly, KP Reese
Restoration Ecology 17 (3), 393-403, 2009
Movements and survival of juvenile greater sage‐grouse in southeastern Idaho
JL Beck, KP Reese, JW Connelly, MB Lucia
Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (4), 1070-1078, 2006
Interseasonal movements of greater sage‐grouse, migratory behavior, and an assessment of the core regions concept in Wyoming
BC Fedy, CL Aldridge, KE Doherty, M O'Donnell, JL Beck, B Bedrosian, ...
Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (5), 1062-1071, 2012
Consequences of Treating Wyoming Big Sagebrush to Enhance Wildlife Habitats
JL Beck, JW Connelly, CL Wambolt
Rangeland Ecology & Management 65 (5), 444-455, 2012
Identifying greater sage-grouse source and sink habitats for conservation planning in an energy development landscape
CP Kirol, JL Beck, SV Huzurbazar, MJ Holloran, SN Miller
Ecological Applications 25 (4), 968-990, 2015
Meta-Analysis of Diet Composition and Potential Conflict of Wild Horses with Livestock and Wild Ungulates on Western Rangelands of North America
JD Scasta, JL Beck, CJ Angwin
Rangeland Ecology & Management 69 (4), 310-318, 2016
Estimates of elk summer range nutritional carrying capacity constrained by probabilities of habitat selection
JL Beck, JM Peek, EK Strand
The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (1), 283-294, 2006
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) select habitat based on avian predators, landscape composition, and anthropogenic features
JB Dinkins, MR Conover, CP Kirol, JL Beck, SN Frey
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116 (4), 629–642, 2014
Drivers of site fidelity in ungulates
TA Morrison, JA Merkle, JGC Hopcraft, EO Aikens, JL Beck, RB Boone, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90, 955-966, 2021
Changes in the distribution and status of sage-grouse in Utah
JL Beck, DL Mitchell, BD Maxfield
Western North American Naturalist 63 (2), 203-214, 2003
Science framework for conservation and restoration of the sagebrush biome: Linking the Department of the Interior’s Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy to long-term …
JC Chambers, JL Beck, JB Bradford, J Bybee, S Campbell, J Carlson, ...
Fort Collins, CO: U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky …, 2017
Disturbance factors influencing greater sage‐grouse lek abandonment in north‐central Wyoming
JE Hess, JL Beck
Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (8), 1625-1634, 2012
Where to forage when afraid: Does perceived risk impair use of the foodscape?
SPH Dwinnell, H Sawyer, JE Randall, JL Beck, JS Forbey, GL Fralick, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (7), e01972, 2019
Short-Term Impacts of Wind Energy Development on Greater Sage-Grouse Fitness
CW LeBeau, JL Beck, GD Johnson, MJ Holloran
Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (3), 522-530, 2014
Microhabitat Selection for Nesting and Brood-Rearing by the Greater Sage-Grouse in Xeric Big Sagebrush
CP Kirol, JL Beck, JB Dinkins, MR Conover
Condor 114 (1), 75-89, 2012
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