Brian L. Smith
Brian L. Smith
Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Virginia
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Cited by
Comparison of parametric and nonparametric models for traffic flow forecasting
BL Smith, BM Williams, RK Oswald
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 10 (4), 303-321, 2002
Traffic flow forecasting: comparison of modeling approaches
BL Smith, MJ Demetsky
Journal of transportation engineering 123 (4), 261-266, 1997
Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction: Neural Network Approach
MJD Brian L Smith
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 1994
Traffic signal control with connected vehicles
NJ Goodall, BL Smith, B Park
Transportation Research Record 2381 (1), 65-72, 2013
Divine war in the Old Testament and in the ancient Near East
SM Kang
Walter de Gruyter, 1989
An investigation into the impact of rainfall on freeway traffic flow
BL Smith, KG Byrne, RB Copperman, SM Hennessy, NJ Goodall
83rd annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2004
Exploring imputation techniques for missing data in transportation management systems
BL Smith, WT Scherer, JH Conklin
Transportation Research Record 1836 (1), 132-142, 2003
New procedure for detector data screening in traffic management systems
RE Turochy, BL Smith
Transportation Research Record 1727 (1), 127-131, 2000
Multiple-interval freeway traffic flow forecasting
BL Smith, MJ Demetsky
Transportation Research Record 1554 (1), 136-141, 1996
Characterization of freeway capacity reduction resulting from traffic accidents
BL Smith, L Qin, R Venkatanarayana
Journal of Transportation Engineering 129 (4), 362-368, 2003
Freeway accident likelihood prediction using a panel data analysis approach
Y Qi, BL Smith, J Guo
Journal of transportation engineering 133 (3), 149-156, 2007
Freeway traffic flow rate measurement: Investigation into impact of measurement time interval
JM Ulmer
Journal of transportation engineering 129, 223, 2003
Development and evaluation of enhanced intellidrive-enabled lane changing advisory algorithm to address freeway merge conflict
H Park, CS Bhamidipati, BL Smith
Transportation research record 2243 (1), 146-157, 2011
Data collection time intervals for stochastic short-term traffic flow forecasting
J Guo, BM Williams, BL Smith
Transportation Research Record 2024 (1), 18-26, 2007
A prototype case-based reasoning system for real-time freeway traffic routing
AW Sadek, BL Smith, MJ Demetsky
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 9 (5), 353-380, 2001
Microscopic estimation of freeway vehicle positions from the behavior of connected vehicles
NJ Goodall, BL Smith, BB Park
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (1), 45-54, 2016
Investigating benefits of intellidrive in freeway operations: Lane changing advisory case study
H Park, BL Smith
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (9), 1113-1122, 2012
Data–driven methodology for signal timing plan development: A computational approach
BL Smith, WT Scherer, TA Hauser, BB Park
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 17 (6), 387-395, 2002
Wireless location technology-based traffic monitoring: Critical assessment and evaluation of an early-generation system
BL Smith, H Zhang, MD Fontaine, MW Green
Journal of Transportation Engineering 130 (5), 576-584, 2004
Forecasting freeway traffic flow for intelligent transportation systems application
BL Smith
University of Virginia, 1995
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Articles 1–20