Charles E.H. Berger
Charles E.H. Berger
Netherlands Forensic Institute, Leiden University
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Interpreting evidence: evaluating forensic science in the courtroom
B Robertson, GA Vignaux, CEH Berger
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Surface plasmon resonance multisensing
CEH Berger, TAM Beumer, RPH Kooyman, J Greve
Analytical Chemistry 70 (4), 703-706, 1998
Signature verification competition for online and offline skilled forgeries (sigcomp2011)
M Liwicki, MI Malik, CE Van Den Heuvel, X Chen, C Berger, R Stoel, ...
2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 1480-1484, 2011
ENFSI guideline for evaluative reporting in forensic science
CCG Aitken, A Barrett, CEH Berger, A Biedermann, C Champod, TN Hicks, ...
European Network of Forensic Science Institutes, 2015
Resolution in surface plasmon microscopy
CEH Berger, RPH Kooyman, J Greve
Review of scientific instruments 65 (9), 2829-2836, 1994
Expressing evaluative opinions: a position statement
C Aitken, CEH Berger, JS Buckleton, C Champod, J Curran, AP Dawid, ...
Science and justice 51 (1), 1-2, 2011
Evidence evaluation: A response to the court of appeal judgment in R v T
CEH Berger, J Buckleton, C Champod, IW Evett, G Jackson
Science & Justice 51 (2), 43-49, 2011
Functional group imaging by adhesion AFM applied to lipid monolayers
CEH Berger, KO Van der Werf, RPH Kooyman, BG De Grooth, J Greve
Langmuir 11 (11), 4188-4192, 1995
Differential SPR immunosensing
CEH Berger, J Greve
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 63 (1-2), 103-108, 2000
Implementing context information management in forensic casework: Minimizing contextual bias in firearms examination
E Mattijssen, W Kerkhoff, CEH Berger, IE Dror, RD Stoel
Science & Justice 56, 113-122, 2016
Minimizing contextual bias in forensic casework
RD Stoel, C Berger, W Kerkhoff, E Mattijssen, IE Dror, M Hickman, ...
Forensic Science and the Administration of Justice: Critical Issues and …, 2014
Extending the confusion about Bayes
B Robertson, GA Vignaux, CEH Berger
The Modern Law Review 74 (3), 444-455, 2011
The LR does not exist
CEH Berger, K Slooten
Science and justice 56, 388-391, 2016
Controlled irradiative formation of penitentes
V Bergeron, CEH Berger, MD Betterton
Physical review letters 96 (9), 098502, 2006
Likelihood ratio methods for forensic comparison of evaporated gasoline residues
P Vergeer, A Bolck, LJC Peschier, CEH Berger, JN Hendrikse
Science & Justice 54, 401-411, 2014
Validity and reliability of forensic firearm examiners
EJAT Mattijssen, CLM Witteman, CEH Berger, RD Stoel
Forensic science international 307, 110112, 2020
Activity level DNA evidence evaluation: on propositions addressing the actor or the activity
B Kokshoorn, BJ Blankers, J de Zoete, CEH Berger
Forensic Science International 278, 115-124, 2017
Color separation in forensic image processing
CEH Berger, JA de Koeijer, W Glas, HT Madhuizen
Journal of Forensic Sciences 51 (1), 100-102, 2006
Finding the way forward for forensic science in the US—A commentary on the PCAST report
IW Evett, CEH Berger, JS Buckleton, C Champod, G Jackson
Forensic Science International 278, 16-23, 2017
How clear is transparent? Reporting expert reasoning in legal cases
MJ Sjerps, CEH Berger
Law, Probability and Risk 11 (4), 317-329, 2012
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Articles 1–20