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Nongray radiative gas analyses using the SN discrete ordinates method
TK Kim, JA Menart, HS Lee
Mechanisms of plasma actuators for hypersonic flow control
JS Shang, ST Surzhikov, R Kimmel, D Gaitonde, J Menart, J Hayes
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 41 (8), 642-668, 2005
Net emission coefficients for argon-iron thermal plasmas
J Menart, S Malik
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (9), 867, 2002
Hypersonic flow over a blunt body with plasma injection
JS Shang, J Hayes, J Menart
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 39 (3), 367-375, 2002
Numerical study of a free-burning argon arc with copper contamination from the anode
J Menart, L Lin
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing 19, 153-170, 1999
Effect of surface plasma discharges on boundary layers at Mach 5
R Kimmel, J Hayes, J Menart, J Shang
42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 509, 2004
Particle-based plasma simulations for an ion engine discharge chamber
S Mahalingam, JA Menart
Journal of Propulsion and Power 26 (4), 673-688, 2010
Hypersonic flow control using surface plasma actuator
JS Shang, RL Kimmel, J Menart, ST Surzhikov
Journal of Propulsion and Power 24 (5), 923-934, 2008
Discrete ordinates solutions of nongray radiative transfer with diffusely reflecting walls
JA Menart, HOS Lee, TK Kim
Line-by-line method of calculating emission coefficients for thermal plasmas consisting of monatomic species
J Menart, J Heberlein, E Pfender
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 56 (3), 377-398, 1996
Rotational and vibrational temperature distributions for a dielectric barrier discharge in air
SA Stanfield, J Menart, C DeJoseph Jr, RL Kimmel, JR Hayes
AIAA journal 47 (5), 1107-1115, 2009
Effects of magnetic fields on plasmas generated in a Mach 5 wind tunnel
J Menart, J Shang, R Kimmel, J Hayes
34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 4165, 2003
Radiative transport in a two-dimensional axisymmetric thermal plasma using the S–N discrete ordinates method on a line-by-line basis
J Menart
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 67 (4), 273-291, 2000
Theoretical radiative transport results for a free-burning arc using a line-by-line technique
J Menart, J Heberlein, E Pfender
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (1), 55, 1999
Hypersonic experimental facility for magnetoaerodynamic interactions
JS Shang, R Kimmel, J Hayes, C Tyler, J Menart
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 42 (5), 780-789, 2005
Effect of magnetic fields on surface plasma discharges at Mach 5
RL Kimmel, JR Hayes, JA Menart, J Shang
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 43 (6), 1340-1346, 2006
Grid study on blunt bodies with the carbuncle phenomenon
S Henderson, J Menart
39th AIAA thermophysics conference, 3904, 2007
Total drag and lift measurements in a Mach 5 flow affected by a plasma discharge and a magnetic field
J Menart, J Shang, C Atzbach, S Magoteaux, M Slagel, B Bilheimer
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 947, 2005
Theoretical radiative emission results for argon/copper thermal plasmas
J Menart, J Heberlein, E Pfender
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing 16, S245-S265, 1995
Numerical study of high-intensity free-burning arc
J Menart, L Lin
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 12 (4), 500-506, 1998
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Articles 1–20