Abbas Javan Jafari
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic review on intrusion detection based on the Hidden Markov Model
A Ahmadian Ramaki, A Rasoolzadegan, A Javan Jafari
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal 11 (3 …, 2018
Dependency smells in javascript projects
AJ Jafari, DE Costa, R Abdalkareem, E Shihab, N Tsantalis
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (10), 3790-3807, 2021
Bad smell detection using quality metrics and refactoring opportunities
B Bafandeh Mayvan, A Rasoolzadegan, A Javan Jafari
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 32 (8), e2255, 2020
Security patterns: a systematic mapping study
AJ Jafari, A Rasoolzadegan
Journal of Computer Languages, 100938, 2019
Dependency update strategies and package characteristics
A Javan Jafari, DE Costa, E Shihab, R Abdalkareem
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 32 (6), 1-29, 2023
Quality-centric security pattern mutations
AJ Jafari, A Rasoolzadegan
Software Quality Journal 27 (4), 1531-1561, 2019
Securing gang of four design patterns
AJ Jafari, A Rasoolzadegan
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 5, 2016
Dependency Practices for Vulnerability Mitigation
AJ Jafari, DE Costa, A Abdellatif, E Shihab
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.07847, 2023
Dependency Practices for Vulnerability Mitigation
A Javan Jafari, D Elias Costa, A Abdellatif, E Shihab
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2310.07847, 2023
A systematic review on intrusion detection based on the Hidden Markov Model
AARA Rasoolzadegan, AJ Jafari
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Articles 1–10