Brian Dean
Brian Dean
Professor of Computer Science, Clemson University
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Approximating the stochastic knapsack problem: The benefit of adaptivity
BC Dean, MX Goemans, J Vondrák
Mathematics of Operations Research 33 (4), 945-964, 2008
Shortest paths in FIFO time-dependent networks: Theory and algorithms
BC Dean
Rapport technique, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 13, 2004
Adaptivity and approximation for stochastic packing problems
BC Dean, MX Goemans, J Vondrák
SODA 5, 395-404, 2005
Continuous-time dynamics shortest path algorithms
BC Dean
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999
Algorithms for minimum‐cost paths in time‐dependent networks with waiting policies
BC Dean
Networks: An International Journal 44 (1), 41-46, 2004
Generalized periodic discharges and ‘triphasic waves’: a blinded evaluation of inter-rater agreement and clinical significance
B Foreman, A Mahulikar, P Tadi, J Claassen, J Szaflarski, JJ Halford, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2), 1073-1080, 2016
Inter-rater agreement on identification of electrographic seizures and periodic discharges in ICU EEG recordings
JJ Halford, D Shiau, JA Desrochers, BJ Kolls, BC Dean, CG Waters, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (9), 1661-1669, 2015
Standardized database development for EEG epileptiform transient detection: EEGnet scoring system and machine learning analysis
JJ Halford, RJ Schalkoff, J Zhou, SR Benbadis, WO Tatum, RP Turner, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 212 (2), 308-316, 2013
Approximation algorithms for stochastic scheduling problems
BC Dean
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005
A linear‐time algorithm for broadcast domination in a tree
J Dabney, BC Dean, ST Hedetniemi
Networks: An International Journal 53 (2), 160-169, 2009
Characteristics of EEG interpreters associated with higher interrater agreement
JJ Halford, A Arain, GP Kalamangalam, SM LaRoche, B Leonardo, ...
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 34 (2), 168-173, 2017
Faster algorithms for stable allocation problems
BC Dean, S Munshi
Algorithmica 58, 59-81, 2010
Interictal epileptiform discharge characteristics underlying expert interrater agreement
E Bagheri, J Dauwels, BC Dean, CG Waters, MB Westover, JJ Halford
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (10), 1994-2005, 2017
Interictal epileptiform discharge detection in EEG in different practice settings
JJ Halford, MB Westover, SM LaRoche, MP Macken, E Kutluay, ...
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 35 (5), 375-380, 2018
No sensor left behind: enriching computing education with mobile devices
MH Dabney, BC Dean, T Rogers
Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education …, 2013
The unsplittable stable marriage problem
BC Dean, MX Goemans, N Immorlica
Fourth IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science-TCS …, 2006
A simple expected running time analysis for randomized “divide and conquer” algorithms
BC Dean
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (1), 1-5, 2006
Exploring the duality between skip lists and binary search trees
BC Dean, ZH Jones
Proceedings of the 45th annual ACM Southeast Conference, 395-399, 2007
Web-based collection of expert opinion on routine scalp EEG: software development and interrater reliability
JJ Halford, WB Pressly, SR Benbadis, WO Tatum IV, RP Turner, A Arain, ...
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 28 (2), 178-184, 2011
Shortest path problems in discrete-time dynamic networks: complexity, algorithms and implementations
I Chabini, B Dean
Unpublished manuscript, 1999
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Articles 1–20