Diane Del Guercio
Diane Del Guercio
Gerry and Marilyn Cameron Professor of Finance, University of Oregon
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Cited by
The motivation and impact of pension fund activism
D Del Guercio, J Hawkins
Journal of Financial Economics 52 (3), 293-340, 1999
The determinants of the flow of funds of managed portfolios: Mutual funds vs. pension funds
D Del Guercio, PA Tkac
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 37 (4), 523-558, 2002
The distorting effect of the prudent-man laws on institutional equity investments
D Del Guercio
Journal of Financial Economics 40 (1), 31-62, 1996
Do boards pay attention when institutional investor activists “just vote no”?
D Del Guercio, L Seery, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial Economics 90 (1), 84-103, 2008
Star power: The effect of Morningstar ratings on mutual fund flow
D Del Guercio, PA Tkac
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 43 (4), 907, 2008
Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha
D Del Guercio, J Reuter
The Journal of Finance 69 (4), 1673-1704, 2014
Governance and boards of directors in closed-end investment companies
D Del Guercio, LY Dann, MM Partch
Journal of Financial Economics 69 (1), 111-152, 2003
The deterrent effect of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement intensity on illegal insider trading: Evidence from run-up before news events
D Del Guercio, ER Odders-White, MJ Ready
The Journal of Law and Economics 60 (2), 269-307, 2017
Broker Incentives and Mutual Fund Market Segmentation
D Del Guercio, J Reuter, PA Tkac
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010
Playing favorites: Conflicts of interest in mutual fund management
D Del Guercio, E Genc, H Tran
Journal of financial economics 128 (3), 535-557, 2018
Can strong corporate governance selectively mitigate the negative influence of “special interest” shareholder activists? Evidence from the labor market for directors
D Del Guercio, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 54 (4), 1573-1614, 2019
Institutional Investor Activism
D Del Guercio, H Tran
Socially Responsible Finance and Investing: Financial Institutions …, 2012
Who Picks Stocks for the Competition: The Economics of Mutual Fund Subadvisory Contracts
D Del Guercio, J Reuter, P Tkac
Working Paper, University of Oregon, 2007
Unbundling the Value of Portfolio Management and Distribution in Retail Mutual Funds: Evidence from Subadvisory Contracts
D Del Guercio, J Reuter, PA Tkac
Working Paper, University of Oregon, 2009
Have passive managers benefited from the dramatic rise of passive investing?
D Del Guercio, E Genc, J Reuter, H Tran
Available at SSRN 4592880, 2022
End of Year Report from the Managing Editors October 19, 2003
D Del Guercio, PA Tkac
Internet Appendix for “Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha”
D Del Guercio, J Reuter
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Articles 1–17