Eva Lindroth
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X-ray transition energies: new approach to a comprehensive evaluation
RD Deslattes, EG Kessler Jr, P Indelicato, L De Billy, E Lindroth, J Anton
Reviews of Modern Physics 75 (1), 35, 2003
Diagonalisation of the Dirac Hamiltonian as a basis for a relativistic many-body procedure
JL Heully, I Lindgren, E Lindroth, S Lundqvist, AM Martensson-Pendrill
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 19 (18), 2799, 1986
Photoionization in the time and frequency domain
M Isinger, RJ Squibb, D Busto, S Zhong, A Harth, D Kroon, S Nandi, ...
Science 358 (6365), 893-896, 2017
Spectral phase measurement of a Fano resonance using tunable attosecond pulses
M Kotur, D Guenot, Á Jiménez-Galán, D Kroon, EW Larsen, M Louisy, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10566, 2016
Angular dependence of photoemission time delay in helium
S Heuser, Á Jiménez Galán, C Cirelli, C Marante, M Sabbar, R Boge, ...
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063409, 2016
Photoemission-time-delay measurements and calculations close to the 3-ionization-cross-section minimum in Ar
D Guenot, K Klünder, CL Arnold, D Kroon, JM Dahlström, M Miranda, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (5), 053424, 2012
Calculation of doubly excited states of helium with a finite discrete spectrum
E Lindroth
Physical Review A 49 (6), 4473, 1994
Anisotropic photoemission time delays close to a Fano resonance
C Cirelli, C Marante, S Heuser, CLM Petersson, ÁJ Galán, L Argenti, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 955, 2018
Influence of magnetic fields on electron-ion recombination at very low energies
G Gwinner, A Hoffknecht, T Bartsch, M Beutelspacher, N Eklöw, P Glans, ...
Physical review letters 84 (21), 4822, 2000
Resonance effects in photoemission time delays
M Sabbar, S Heuser, R Boge, M Lucchini, T Carette, E Lindroth, ...
Physical review letters 115 (13), 133001, 2015
Measurements of relative photoemission time delays in noble gas atoms
D Guenot, D Kroon, E Balogh, EW Larsen, M Kotur, M Miranda, T Fordell, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (24), 245602, 2014
Double ionization probed on the attosecond timescale
EP Månsson, D Guénot, CL Arnold, D Kroon, S Kasper, JM Dahlström, ...
Nature Physics 10 (3), 207-211, 2014
Screened Radiative Corrections from Hyperfine-Split Dielectronic Resonances<? format?> in Lithiumlike Scandium
M Lestinsky, E Lindroth, DA Orlov, EW Schmidt, S Schippers, S Böhm, ...
Physical review letters 100 (3), 033001, 2008
Diagrammatic approach to attosecond delays in photoionization
JM Dahlström, T Carette, E Lindroth
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 061402, 2012
Corrections to the beryllium ground-state energy
E Lindroth, H Persson, S Salomonson, AM Mårtensson-Pendrill
Physical Review A 45 (3), 1493, 1992
Strong relativistic effects and natural linewidths observed in dielectronic recombination of lithiumlike carbon
S Mannervik, D DeWitt, L Engström, J Lidberg, E Lindroth, R Schuch, ...
Physical review letters 81 (2), 313, 1998
Fano’s propensity rule in angle-resolved attosecond pump-probe photoionization
D Busto, J Vinbladh, S Zhong, M Isinger, S Nandi, S Maclot, P Johnsson, ...
Physical review letters 123 (13), 133201, 2019
Relativistic and many-body effects in K, L, and M shell ionization energy for elements with and the determination of the 1s Lamb shift for heavy elements
P Indelicato, S Boucard, E Lindroth
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 1998
Relativistic effects, correlation, and QED corrections on Kα transitions in medium to very heavy atoms
P Indelicato, E Lindroth
Physical Review A 46 (5), 2426, 1992
Multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock close-coupling ansatz: Application to the argon photoionization cross section and delays
T Carette, JM Dahlström, L Argenti, E Lindroth
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 023420, 2013
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Articles 1–20