Daniel Sabatier
Daniel Sabatier
botaniste et ecologue, IRD, UMR AMAP, Montpellier, France
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Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora
H Ter Steege, NCA Pitman, D Sabatier, C Baraloto, RP Salomão, ...
Science 342 (6156), 1243092, 2013
Continental-scale patterns of canopy tree composition and function across Amazonia
H Ter Steege, NCA Pitman, OL Phillips, J Chave, D Sabatier, A Duque, ...
Nature 443 (7110), 444-447, 2006
Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition
C Levis, FRC Costa, F Bongers, M Peña-Claros, CR Clement, ...
Science 355 (6328), 925-931, 2017
Tree diversity in tropical rain forests: a validation of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis
JF Molino, D Sabatier
Science 294 (5547), 1702-1704, 2001
A spatial model of tree α-diversity and tree density for the Amazon
H Ter Steege, N Pitman, D Sabatier, H Castellanos, P Van Der Hout, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 12 (11), 2255-2277, 2003
An analysis of the floristic composition and diversity of Amazonian forests including those of the Guiana Shield
H Ter Steege, D Sabatier, H Castellanos, T Van Andel, J Duivenvoorden, ...
Journal of tropical ecology 16 (6), 801-828, 2000
Using functional traits and phylogenetic trees to examine the assembly of tropical tree communities
C Baraloto, OJ Hardy, CE Paine, KG Dexter, C Cruaud, LT Dunning, ...
Journal of Ecology 100 (3), 690-701, 2012
The discovery of the Amazonian tree flora with an updated checklist of all known tree taxa
H ter Steege, RW Vaessen, D Cárdenas-López, D Sabatier, A Antonelli, ...
Scientific Reports 6, 29549, 2016
Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species
H ter Steege, NCA Pitman, TJ Killeen, WF Laurance, CA Peres, ...
Science Advances 1 (10), e1500936, 2015
Diet of the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in French Guiana
C Julliot, D Sabatier
International Journal of Primatology 14 (4), 527-550, 1993
The influence of soil cover organization on the floristic and structural heterogeneity of a Guianan rain forest
D Sabatier, M Grimaldi, MF Prévost, J Guillaume, M Godron, M Dosso, ...
Plant ecology 131 (1), 81-108, 1997
Species Distribution Modelling: Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data
VHF Gomes, SD IJff, N Raes, IL Amaral, RP Salomão, L de Souza Coelho, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-12, 2018
Saisonnalité et déterminisme du pic de fructification en forêt guyanaise
D Sabatier
La Terre et la Vie : Revue d'Ecologie 40 (3), 289-320, 1985
Interspecific variability of δ13C among trees in rainforests of French Guiana: functional groups and canopy integration
D Bonal, D Sabatier, P Montpied, D Tremeaux, JM Guehl
Oecologia 124 (3), 454-468, 2000
Contrasting taxonomic and functional responses of a tropical tree community to selective logging
C Baraloto, B Hérault, CE Paine, H Massot, L Blanc, D Bonal, JF Molino, ...
Journal of applied ecology 49 (4), 861-870, 2012
Food choice and food competition among the three major primate species of French Guiana
M Guillotin, G Dubost, D Sabatier
Journal of Zoology 233 (4), 551-579, 1994
Diet of the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris L.) in French Guiana
O Henry, F Feer, D Sabatier
Biotropica 32 (2), 364-368, 2000
Comparative diet of the two forest cervids of the genus Mazama in French Guiana
M Gayot, O Henry, G Dubost, D Sabatier
Journal of Tropical Ecology, 31-43, 2004
Diets of some French Guianan primates: food composition and food choices
B Simmen, D Sabatier
International Journal of Primatology 17 (5), 661-693, 1996
Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora
H ter Steege, PI Prado, RAF de Lima, E Pos, L de Souza Coelho, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-13, 2020
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Articles 1–20