Vladimir P. Solovjov
Vladimir P. Solovjov
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
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SLW modeling of radiative transfer in multicomponent gas mixtures
VP Solovjov, BW Webb
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 65 (4), 655-672, 2000
Efficient representation of the absorption line blackbody distribution function for H2O, CO2, and CO at variable temperature, mole fraction, and total pressure
JT Pearson, BW Webb, VP Solovjov, J Ma
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 138, 82-96, 2014
An efficient method for modeling radiative transfer in multicomponent gas mixtures with soot
VP Solovjov, BW Webb
J. Heat Transfer 123 (3), 450-457, 2001
The rank correlated SLW model of gas radiation in non-uniform media
VP Solovjov, F Andre, D Lemonnier, BW Webb
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 197, 26-44, 2017
Analysis of laminar slip-flow thermal transport in microchannels with transverse rib and cavity structured superhydrophobic walls at constant heat flux
D Maynes, BW Webb, J Crockett, V Solovjov
Journal of heat transfer 135 (2), 021701, 2013
A local-spectrum correlated model for radiative transfer in non-uniform gas media
VP Solovjov, BW Webb
RADIATION III. ICHMT Third International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, 2001
Updated correlation of the absorption line blackbody distribution function for H2O based on the HITEMP2010 database
JT Pearson, BW Webb, VP Solovjov, J Ma
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 128, 10-17, 2013
Attenuation of solar radiation by a water mist from the ultraviolet to the infrared range
LA Dombrovsky, VP Solovjov, BW Webb
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112 (7), 1182-1190, 2011
The rank correlated FSK model for prediction of gas radiation in non-uniform media, and its relationship to the rank correlated SLW model
VP Solovjov, BW Webb, F Andre
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 214, 120-132, 2018
The impact of radiative heat transfer in combustion processes and its modeling–with a focus on turbulent flames
F Liu, JL Consalvi, PJ Coelho, F Andre, M Gu, V Solovjov, BW Webb
Fuel 281, 118555, 2020
Global spectral methods in gas radiation: the exact limit of the SLW model and its relationship to the ADF and FSK methods
VP Solovjov, BW Webb
Multilayer modeling of radiative transfer by SLW and CW methods in non-isothermal gaseous medium
VP Solovjov, BW Webb
RADIATIVE TRANSFER-V. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on …, 2007
The SLW-1 model for efficient prediction of radiative transfer in high temperature gases
VP Solovjov, D Lemonnier, BW Webb
RADIATIVE TRANSFER-VI. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on …, 2010
Effect of total pressure on the absorption line blackbody distribution function and radiative transfer in H2O, CO2, and CO
JT Pearson, BW Webb, VP Solovjov, J Ma
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 143, 100-110, 2014
The cumulative wavenumber method for modeling radiative transfer in gas mixtures with soot
VP Solovjov, BW Webb
RADIATIVE TRANSFER-IV. Fourth International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, 2004
Radiative properties of gases
VP Solovjov, BW Webb, F Andre
Handbook of thermal science and engineering 2, 1069-1142, 2018
The spectral line weighted-sum-of-gray-gases (SLW) model for prediction of radiative transfer in molecular gases
BW Webb, VP Solovjov, F André
Advances in Heat Transfer, 207, 2019
Assessment of engineering gas radiative property models in high pressure turbulent jet diffusion flames
JL Consalvi, F André, FR Coelho, FHR Franca, F Nmira, M Galtier, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 253, 107169, 2020
The generalized SLW model
VP Solovjov, F Andre, D Lemonnier, BW Webb
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 676 (1), 012022, 2016
SLW-1 modeling of radiative heat transfer in nonisothermal nonhomogeneous gas mixtures with soot
VP Solovjov, D Lemonnier, BW Webb
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Articles 1–20