F. Benjamin Zhan
F. Benjamin Zhan
Professor of Geographic Information Science at Texas State University
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Cited by
Shortest path algorithms: an evaluation using real road networks
FB Zhan, CE Noon
Transportation science 32 (1), 65-73, 1998
Three fastest shortest path algorithms on real road networks: Data structures and procedures
FB Zhan
Journal of geographic information and decision analysis 1 (1), 69-82, 1997
Agent-based modelling and simulation of urban evacuation: relative effectiveness of simultaneous and staged evacuation strategies
X Chen, FB Zhan
Journal of the Operational Research Society 59 (1), 25-33, 2008
Coding Variation in ANGPTL4, LPL, and SVEP1 and the Risk of Coronary Disease
Myocardial Infarction Genetics and CARDIoGRAM Exome Consortia Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 374 (12), 1134-1144, 2016
Air pollution exposure assessment methods utilized in epidemiological studies
B Zou, JG Wilson, FB Zhan, Y Zeng
Journal of environmental monitoring 11 (3), 475-490, 2009
Agent-based modeling and analysis of hurricane evacuation procedures for the Florida Keys
X Chen, JW Meaker, FB Zhan
Natural Hazards 38, 321-338, 2006
A relative spatial access assessment approach for analyzing potential spatial access to colorectal cancer services in Texas
N Wan, FB Zhan, B Zou, E Chow
Applied Geography 32 (2), 291-299, 2012
A bibliometric study of earthquake research: 1900–2010
X Liu, FB Zhan, S Hong, B Niu, Y Liu
Scientometrics 92 (3), 747-765, 2012
A comparison of three exploratory methods for cluster detection in spatial point patterns
AS Fotheringham, FB Zhan
Geographical analysis 28 (3), 200-218, 1996
Global research trends in landslides during 1991–2014: a bibliometric analysis
X Wu, X Chen, FB Zhan, S Hong
Landslides 12, 1215-1226, 2015
A shortest path algorithm with novel heuristics for dynamic transportation networks
B Huang, Q Wu, FB Zhan
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21 (6), 625-644, 2007
Performance of AERMOD at different time scales
B Zou, FB Zhan, JG Wilson, Y Zeng
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 18 (5), 612-623, 2010
Approximate analysis of binary topological relations between geographic regions with indeterminate boundaries
FB Zhan
Soft Computing 2, 28-34, 1998
A comparison between label-setting and label-correcting algorithms for computing one-to-one shortest paths
FB Zhan, CE Noon
Journal of Geographic information and decision analysis 4 (2), 1-11, 2000
Twenty years of global groundwater research: A Science Citation Index Expanded-based bibliometric survey (1993–2012)
B Niu, HA Loaiciga, Z Wang, FB Zhan, S Hong
Journal of Hydrology 519, 966-975, 2014
Chagas disease in Texas: recognizing the significance and implications of evidence in the literature
EJ Hanford, FB Zhan, Y Lu, A Giordano
Social science & medicine 65 (1), 60-79, 2007
Gravity measurements and their variations before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Y Zhu, FB Zhan, J Zhou, W Liang, Y Xu
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100 (5B), 2815-2824, 2010
Match rate and positional accuracy of two geocoding methods for epidemiologic research
FB Zhan, JD Brender, IDE Lima, L Suarez, PH Langlois
Annals of epidemiology 16 (11), 842-849, 2006
Access to healthcare and disparities in colorectal cancer survival in Texas
N Wan, FB Zhan, Y Lu, JP Tiefenbacher
Health & place 18 (2), 321-329, 2012
Spatially differentiated and source-specific population exposure to ambient urban air pollution
B Zou, JG Wilson, FB Zhan, Y Zeng
Atmospheric Environment 43 (26), 3981-3988, 2009
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Articles 1–20