Alicia L Bertone
Alicia L Bertone
Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Biosciences, and Orthopaedics, The Ohio State University
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Intralesional injection of platelet-rich plasma followed by controlled exercise for treatment of midbody suspensory ligament desmitis in Standardbred racehorses
M Waselau, WW Sutter, RL Genovese, AL Bertone
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 232 (10), 1515-1520, 2008
< i> In vivo</i> reduction or blockade of interleukin-1β in primary osteoarthritis influences expression of mediators implicated in pathogenesis
KS Santangelo, GJ Nuovo, AL Bertone
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2012
Synovial fluid cytokines and eicosanoids as markers of joint disease in horses
AL Bertone, JL Palmer, J Jones
Veterinary Surgery 30 (6), 528-538, 2004
Comparison of efficacy and safety of paste formulations of firocoxib and phenylbutazone in horses with naturally occurring osteoarthritis
MY Doucet, AL Bertone, D Hendrickson, F Hughes, C MacAllister, ...
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 232 (1), 91-97, 2008
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
VS Moses, AL Bertone
The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice 18 (1), 21, 2002
Association between subjective lameness grade and kinetic gait parameters in horses with experimentally induced forelimb lameness
A Ishihara, AL Bertone, PJ Rajala-Schultz
American journal of veterinary research 66 (10), 1805-1815, 2005
Joint structure, biochemistry and biochemical disequilibrium in synovitis and equine joint disease
JL Palmer, AL Bertone
Equine Veterinary Journal 26 (4), 263-277, 1994
Comparison of various treatments for experimentally induced equine infectious arthritis.
AL Bertone, CW McIlwraith, RL Jones, RW Norrdin, MJ Radin, JL Lebel
American journal of veterinary research 48 (3), 519, 1987
Mesenchymal stem cell-mediated gene delivery of bone morphogenetic protein-2 in an articular fracture model
T Zachos, A Diggs, S Weisbrode, J Bartlett, A Bertone
Molecular Therapy 15 (8), 1543-1550, 2007
Comparison of hematologic values and transforming growth factor-β and insulin-like growth factor concentrations in platelet concentrates obtained by use of buffy coat and …
WW Sutter, AJ Kaneps, AL Bertone
American journal of veterinary research 65 (7), 924-930, 2004
Infectious arthritis
AL Bertone
Joint disease in the horse. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co 397, 1996
Adenoviral‐mediated transfer of human BMP‐6 gene accelerates healing in a rabbit ulnar osteotomy model
AL Bertone, DD Pittman, ML Bouxsein, J Li, B Clancy, HJ Seeherman
Journal of orthopaedic research 22 (6), 1261-1270, 2004
Bone gentamicin concentration after intra‐articular injection or regional intravenous perfusion in the horse
LA Werner, J Hardy, AL Bertone
Veterinary Surgery 32 (6), 559-565, 2005
Experimentally‐induced synovitis as a model for acute synovitis in the horse
JL Palmer, AL Bertone
Equine veterinary journal 26 (6), 492-495, 2010
Management of exuberant granulation tissue.
AL Bertone
The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice 5 (3), 551, 1989
Gene‐mediated osteogenic differentiation of stem cells by bone morphogenetic proteins‐2 or‐6
TA Zachos, KM Shields, AL Bertone
Journal of orthopaedic research 24 (6), 1279-1291, 2006
Effects of a magnesium adhesive cement on bone stability and healing following a metatarsal osteotomy in horses
M Waselau, VF Samii, SE Weisbrode, AS Litsky, AL Bertone
American journal of veterinary research 68 (4), 370-378, 2007
Osteogenic gene regulation and relative acceleration of healing by adenoviral‐mediated transfer of human BMP‐2 or‐6 in equine osteotomy and ostectomy models
A Ishihara, KM Shields, AS Litsky, JS Mattoon, SE Weisbrode, JS Bartlett, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26 (6), 764-771, 2008
Effect of wound location and the use of topical collagen gel on exuberant granulation tissue formation and wound healing in the horse and pony.
AL Bertone, KE Sullins, TS Stashak, RW Norrdin
American journal of veterinary research 46 (7), 1438, 1985
Direct delayed human adenoviral BMP-2 or BMP-6 gene therapy for bone and cartilage regeneration in a pony osteochondral model
MI Menendez, DJ Clark, M Carlton, DC Flanigan, G Jia, S Sammet, ...
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 19 (8), 1066-1075, 2011
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