Saskia Trump
Cited by
Cited by
An endogenous tumour-promoting ligand of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor
CA Opitz, UM Litzenburger, F Sahm, M Ott, I Tritschler, S Trump, ...
Nature 478 (7368), 197-203, 2011
COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium–immune cell interactions identified by single-cell analysis
RL Chua, S Lukassen, S Trump, BP Hennig, D Wendisch, F Pott, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (8), 970-979, 2020
Transcription factor AP1 potentiates chromatin accessibility and glucocorticoid receptor binding
SC Biddie, S John, PJ Sabo, RE Thurman, TA Johnson, RL Schiltz, ...
Molecular cell 43 (1), 145-155, 2011
IL4I1 is a metabolic immune checkpoint that activates the AHR and promotes tumor progression
A Sadik, LFS Patterson, S Öztürk, SR Mohapatra, V Panitz, PF Secker, ...
Cell 182 (5), 1252-1270. e34, 2020
Pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children
J Loske, J Röhmel, S Lukassen, S Stricker, VG Magalhães, J Liebig, ...
Nature biotechnology 40 (3), 319-324, 2022
Constitutive IDO expression in human cancer is sustained by an autocrine signaling loop involving IL-6, STAT3 and the AHR
UM Litzenburger, CA Opitz, F Sahm, KJ Rauschenbach, S Trump, ...
Oncotarget 5 (4), 1038, 2014
The therapeutic potential of targeting tryptophan catabolism in cancer
CA Opitz, LF Somarribas Patterson, SR Mohapatra, DL Dewi, A Sadik, ...
British journal of cancer 122 (1), 30-44, 2020
From the exposome to mechanistic understanding of chemical-induced adverse effects
BI Escher, J Hackermüller, T Polte, S Scholz, A Aigner, R Altenburger, ...
Environment international 99, 97-106, 2017
Hypertension delays viral clearance and exacerbates airway hyperinflammation in patients with COVID-19
S Trump, S Lukassen, MS Anker, RL Chua, J Liebig, L Thürmann, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (6), 705-716, 2021
Environment‐induced epigenetic reprogramming in genomic regulatory elements in smoking mothers and their children
T Bauer, S Trump, N Ishaque, L Thürmann, L Gu, M Bauer, M Bieg, Z Gu, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 12 (3), 861, 2016
Maternal phthalate exposure promotes allergic airway inflammation over 2 generations through epigenetic modifications
S Jahreis, S Trump, M Bauer, T Bauer, L Thürmann, R Feltens, Q Wang, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 141 (2), 741-753, 2018
Kinetic complexity of the global response to glucocorticoid receptor action
S John, TA Johnson, MH Sung, SC Biddie, S Trump, CA Koch-Paiz, ...
Endocrinology 150 (4), 1766-1774, 2009
Active drug transport of immunosuppressants: new insights for pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
U Christians, T Strom, YL Zhang, W Steudel, V Schmitz, S Trump, ...
Therapeutic drug monitoring 28 (1), 39-44, 2006
G3BPs tether the TSC complex to lysosomes and suppress mTORC1 signaling
MT Prentzell, U Rehbein, MC Sandoval, AS De Meulemeester, ...
Cell 184 (3), 655-674. e27, 2021
MEST mediates the impact of prenatal bisphenol A exposure on long-term body weight development
KM Junge, B Leppert, S Jahreis, DK Wissenbach, R Feltens, K Grützmann, ...
Clinical epigenetics 10, 1-12, 2018
Prenatal maternal stress and wheeze in children: novel insights into epigenetic regulation
S Trump, M Bieg, Z Gu, L Thürmann, T Bauer, M Bauer, N Ishaque, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28616, 2016
Increased vitamin D levels at birth and in early infancy increase offspring allergy risk—evidence for involvement of epigenetic mechanisms
KM Junge, T Bauer, S Geissler, F Hirche, L Thürmann, M Bauer, S Trump, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137 (2), 610-613, 2016
Upregulation of tryptophanyl-tRNA synthethase adapts human cancer cells to nutritional stress caused by tryptophan degradation
I Adam, DL Dewi, J Mooiweer, A Sadik, SR Mohapatra, B Berdel, M Keil, ...
Oncoimmunology 7 (12), e1486353, 2018
Early maternal perceived stress and children’s BMI: longitudinal impact and influencing factors
B Leppert, KM Junge, S Röder, M Borte, GI Stangl, RJ Wright, A Hilbert, ...
BMC public health 18, 1-10, 2018
Serotonin transporter protein in pulmonary hypertensive rats treated with atorvastatin
S Laudi, S Trump, V Schmitz, J West, IF McMurtry, H Mutlak, U Christians, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 293 (3 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20