Yunhong Min
Yunhong Min
Other namesYun-Hong Min
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Cited by
Precise estimation of connections of metro passengers from Smart Card data
SP Hong, YH Min, MJ Park, KM Kim, SM Oh
Transportation 43 (5), 749-769, 2016
An appraisal of a column-generation-based algorithm for centralized train-conflict resolution on a metropolitan railway network
YH Min, MJ Park, SP Hong, SH Hong
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (2), 409-429, 2011
A method to directly derive taste heterogeneity of travellers’ route choice in public transport from observed routes
SP Hong, K min Kim, G Byeon, YH Min
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 95, 41-52, 2017
Dynamic execution planning for reliable collaborative business processes
J Oh, NW Cho, H Kim, Y Min, SH Kang
Information Sciences 181 (2), 351-361, 2011
Optimizing Vehicle Routing for Simultaneous Delivery and Pick-Up Considering Reusable Transporting Containers: Case of Convenience Stores
I Gong, K Lee, J Kim, Y Min, KS Shin
Applied Sciences 10 (12), 4162, 2020
Strong NP-hardness of minimizing total deviation with generalized and periodic due dates
BC Choi, Y Min, MJ Park
Operations Research Letters 47 (5), 433-437, 2019
Speech recognition apparatus and method
YH Min
US Patent App. 15/147,965, 2017
Mining missing train logs from Smart Card data
YH Min, SJ Ko, KM Kim, SP Hong
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 63, 170-181, 2016
Train Scheduling with Deep Q-Network: A Feasibility Test
I Gong, S Oh, Y Min
Applied Sciences 10 (23), 8367, 2020
Two-Machine Ordered Flow Shop Scheduling with Generalized Due Dates
MJ Park, BC Choi, Y Min, KM Kim
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 37 (01), 1950032, 2020
Scheduling with generalized and periodic due dates under single-and two-machine environments
BC Choi, KM Kim, Y Min, MJ Park
Optimization Letters 16 (2), 623-633, 2022
Approximation of a batch consolidation problem
J Chang, SY Chang, SP Hong, YH Min, MJ Park
Networks 58 (1), 12-19, 2011
A parallel machine scheduling problem maximizing total weighted early work
BC Choi, MJ Park, KM Kim, Y Min
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2021
Usefulness of Drones in the Urban Delivery System: Solving the Vehicle and Drone Routing Problem with Time Window
Y Chung, T Park, Y Min
Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society 41 …, 2016
Two-machine flow shops with an optimal permutation schedule under a storage constraint
Y Min, BC Choi, MJ Park
Journal of Scheduling 23 (3), 327-336, 2020
Terminal and method for displaying caller information
HY Choi, MIN Yun-Hong, IC Song, PB Jeon
US Patent App. 15/346,102, 2017
특집명 01: 지능형 정보 시스템; 딥러닝 소개 및 주요 이슈
최희열, 민윤홍
정보처리학회지 22 (1), 7-21, 2015
Two-agent scheduling with generalized due dates
MJ Park, YH Min, BC Choi
The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 34 (4), 345-350, 2018
A single machine scheduling with generalized and periodic due dates to minimize total deviation
BC Choi, KM Kim, Y Min, MJ Park
Discrete Applied Mathematics 314, 31-52, 2022
Neural network training method and apparatus using experience replay sets for recognition
MIN Yunhong
US Patent 10,540,958, 2020
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Articles 1–20