Miguel Vega López
Miguel Vega López
profesor titular UGR
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A survey of classical methods and new trends in pansharpening of multispectral images
I Amro, J Mateos, M Vega, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011, 1-22, 2011
Bayesian combination of sparse and non-sparse priors in image super resolution
S Villena, M Vega, SD Babacan, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Digital Signal Processing 23 (2), 530-541, 2013
Parameter estimation in Bayesian high-resolution image reconstruction with multisensors
R Molina, M Vega, J Abad, AK Katsaggelos
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12 (12), 1655-1667, 2003
Bayesian multichannel image restoration using compound Gauss-Markov random fields
R Molina, J Mateos, AK Katsaggelos, M Vega
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12 (12), 1642-1654, 2003
Bayesian super-resolution image reconstruction using an ℓ1 prior
S Villena, M Vega, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
2009 Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal …, 2009
Variational posterior distribution approximation in Bayesian super resolution reconstruction of multispectral images
R Molina, M Vega, J Mateos, AK Katsaggelos
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 24 (2), 251-267, 2008
A non-stationary image prior combination in super-resolution
S Villena, M Vega, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Digital Signal Processing 32, 1-10, 2014
Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence to combine image priors in super-resolution image reconstruction
S Villena, M Vega, SD Babacan, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 893-896, 2010
Blind color deconvolution, normalization, and classification of histological images using general super Gaussian priors and Bayesian inference
F Pérez-Bueno, M Vega, MA Sales, J Aneiros-Fernández, V Naranjo, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 211, 106453, 2021
Terminología y traducción
MÁ Vega
Jornada Panllatina de Terminologia. Perpectives i camps d’aplicació …, 1996
Fast Bayesian blind deconvolution with Huber super Gaussian priors
X Zhou, M Vega, F Zhou, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Digital Signal Processing 60, 122-133, 2017
Compressive sensing super resolution from multiple observations with application to passive millimeter wave images
W AlSaafin, S Villena, M Vega, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Digital Signal Processing 50, 180-190, 2016
Super-resolution of multispectral images
M Vega, J Mateos, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
The Computer Journal 52 (1), 153-167, 2009
A TV-based image processing framework for blind color deconvolution and classification of histological images
F Pérez-Bueno, M López-Pérez, M Vega, J Mateos, V Naranjo, R Molina, ...
Digital Signal Processing 101, 102727, 2020
Casos de uso
M Vega
Recuperado el 12, 2010
Bayesian K-SVD for H and E blind color deconvolution. Applications to stain normalization, data augmentation and cancer classification
F Pérez-Bueno, JG Serra, M Vega, J Mateos, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 97, 102048, 2022
Variational Bayesian blind color deconvolution of histopathological images
N Hidalgo-Gavira, J Mateos, M Vega, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 2026-2036, 2019
A Bayesian super-resolution approach to demosaicing of blurred images
M Vega, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2006, 1-12, 2006
Super resolution of multispectral images using ℓ1 image models and interband correlations
M Vega, J Mateos, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 65 (3), 509-523, 2011
Super resolution of multispectral images using TV image models
M Vega, J Mateos, R Molina, AK Katsaggelos
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 12th …, 2008
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Articles 1–20