Denise M Case
Denise M Case
Northwest Missouri State University
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Goal-based holonic multiagent system for operation of power distribution systems
A Pahwa, SA DeLoach, B Natarajan, S Das, AR Malekpour, SMS Alam, ...
IEEE transactions on smart grid 6 (5), 2510-2518, 2015
Fuzzy Cognitive Map to Model Project Management Problems
DM Case, C Stylios
35th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference, 2016
The Impact of a Positive, Self-Talk Statement on Public Speaking Anxiety
DA Shadinger, JR Katsion, S Myllykangas, DM Case
College Teaching, 2019
The Impact of a Positive, Self-Talk Statement on Public Speaking Anxiety
DA Shadinger, JR Katsion, S Myllykangas, DM Case
College Teaching, 2019
Implementation of a Two-tier Double Auction for On-line Power Purchasing in the Simulation of a Distributed Intelligent Cyber-Physical System.
DM Case, MN Faqiry, BP Majumder, S Das, SA DeLoach
Res. Comput. Sci. 82, 79-91, 2014
Scaffolding Version Control into the Computer Science Curriculum
DM Case, NW Eloe, JL Leopold
22nd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 2016
Modelling construction management problems with fuzzy cognitive maps
DM Case, T Blackburn, C Stylios
Fuzzy hybrid computing in construction engineering and management, 413-449, 2018
Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Model University Desirability and Selection
P Nayak, S Madireddy, DM Case, CD Stylios
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2017
Applying an o-mase compliant process to develop a holonic multiagent system for the evaluation of intelligent power distribution systems
D Case, S DeLoach
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: First International Workshop, EMAS 2013, St …, 2013
OBAA++ an agent architecture for participating in multiple groups
DM Case, SA DeLoach
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2014
VeCVL: A Visual Language for Version Control
N Eloe, DM Case, J Leopold
22nd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 2016
Profession-based learning through collaboration and vertical alignment with K12, higher education, and industry: panel discussion
D Linville, MP Rogers, C Kelly, C Spradling, DM Case
Journal of Computing Sciences in College 31 (5), 187-189, 2016
Progressive Web Apps are a Game-Changer! Use active learning to engage students and convert any website into a mobile-installable, offline-capable, interactive app
DM Case, C Steeve, M Woolery
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020
Capstone as Consulting
D Case, C Hoot
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 34 (4), 2019
Blended Courses in Computer Science and Information Systems Education: Adapting to Changing Educational Methods and Needs: Panel Discussion
C Badami, D Case, N Eloe, D Fellah, Aziz, Hawley, C Hoot, D Linville
Journal of Computing Sciences in College, 2019
Engaging Graduate Students During the Pandemic: Panel Discussion
C Badami, A Bandi, DM Case, A Fellah, M Yousef
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 36, 2021
Is It Getting Foggy in Here? Cloud Computing in the Classroom
DM Case, MP Rogers
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 35 (5), 2020
Construction Industry Pursuit Intel Modeling Insights with FCM
DM Case, T Blackburn, C Stylios
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2019), 2019
Introducing a Fuzzy Cognitive Map for Modeling Power Market Auction Behavior
DM Case, C Stylios
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 2016
Engineering complex systems with multigroup agents
DM Case
Kansas State University, 2015
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