Daniel G. Chatman
Daniel G. Chatman
Professor and Chair, Department of City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley
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Cited by
Residential choice, the built environment, and nonwork travel: Evidence using new data and methods
DG Chatman
Environment and Planning A 41 (5), 1072-1089, 2009
Does TOD need the T? On the importance of factors other than rail access
DG Chatman
Journal of the American Planning Association 79 (1), 17-31, 2013
Deconstructing development density: Quality, quantity and price effects on household non-work travel
DG Chatman
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (7), 1008-1030, 2008
Public transit use in the United States in the era of COVID-19: Transit riders’ travel behavior in the COVID-19 impact and recovery period
MEG Parker, M Li, MA Bouzaghrane, H Obeid, D Hayes, KT Frick, ...
Transport policy 111, 53-62, 2021
Do public transport improvements increase agglomeration economies? A review of literature and an agenda for research
DG Chatman, RB Noland
Transport Reviews 31 (6), 725-742, 2011
How density and mixed uses at the workplace affect personal commercial travel and commute mode choice
DG Chatman
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2003
Traffic and sprawl: Evidence from US commuting, 1985 to 1997
R Crane, DG Chatman
Urban Sprawl in Western Europe and the United States. London: Ashgate, S …, 2004
Transit service, physical agglomeration and productivity in US metropolitan areas
DG Chatman, RB Noland
Urban Studies, 2014
Immigrants and travel demand in the United States
DG Chatman, N Klein
Public Works Management & Policy 13 (4), 312, 2009
Evaluating the economic impacts of light rail by measuring home appreciation: A first look at New Jersey’s River Line
DG Chatman, NK Tulach, K Kim
Urban Studies, 2011
How will smart growth land-use policies affect travel? A theoretical discussion on the importance of residential sorting
X Cao, D Chatman
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 43 (1), 58-73, 2016
Theory versus implementation in congestion-priced parking: An evaluation of SFpark, 2011–2012
DG Chatman, M Manville
Research in Transportation Economics 44, 52-60, 2014
Developing a new methodology for analyzing potential displacement
K Chapple, P Waddell, D Chatman, M Zuk, A Loukaitou-Sideris, P Ong, ...
Why do immigrants drive less? Confirmations, complications, and new hypotheses from a qualitative study in New Jersey, USA
DG Chatman, NJ Klein
Transport Policy 30, 336-344, 2013
Explaining the “immigrant effect” on auto use: the influences of neighborhoods and preferences
DG Chatman
Transportation 41, 441-461, 2014
How the built environment influences non-work travel: Theoretical and empirical essays
DG Chatman
University of California, Los Angeles, 2005
Firm births, access to transit, and agglomeration in Portland, Oregon, and Dallas, Texas
DG Chatman, RB Noland, NJ Klein
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2016
Estimating the effect of land use and transportation planning on travel patterns: Three problems in controlling for residential self-selection
DG Chatman
Journal of Transport and Land Use 7 (3), 47-56, 2014
Does transit-oriented gentrification increase driving?
DG Chatman, R Xu, J Park, A Spevack
Journal of Planning Education and Research 39 (4), 482-495, 2019
As jobs sprawl, whither the commute?
R Crane, DG Chatman
Access 23, 14-19, 2003
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Articles 1–20