Masoud Zarepisheh
Masoud Zarepisheh
Associate Professor, Memorial Sloan Kettering
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Shannon’s entropy for combining the efficiency results of different DEA models: Method and application
M Soleimani-Damaneh, M Zarepisheh
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 5146-5150, 2009
A DVH‐guided IMRT optimization algorithm for automatic treatment planning and adaptive radiotherapy replanning
M Zarepisheh, T Long, N Li, Z Tian, HE Romeijn, X Jia, SB Jiang
Medical physics 41 (6Part1), 061711, 2014
Modified MAJ model for ranking decision making units in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, L Pourkarimi, M Zarepisheh
Applied mathematics and computation 174 (2), 1054-1059, 2006
Automatic treatment plan re-optimization for adaptive radiotherapy guided with the initial plan DVHs
N Li, M Zarepisheh, A Uribe-Sanchez, K Moore, Z Tian, X Zhen, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (24), 8725, 2013
A multicriteria framework with voxel‐dependent parameters for radiotherapy treatment plan optimization
M Zarepisheh, AF Uribe‐Sanchez, N Li, X Jia, SB Jiang
Medical physics 41 (4), 041705, 2014
Preemptive priority-based algorithms for fuzzy minimal cost flow problem: An application in hazardous materials transportation
M Ghatee, SM Hashemi, M Zarepisheh, E Khorram
Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (1), 341-354, 2009
Automated intensity modulated treatment planning: The expedited constrained hierarchical optimization (ECHO) system
M Zarepisheh, L Hong, Y Zhou, JH Oh, JG Mechalakos, MA Hunt, ...
Medical physics 46 (7), 2944-2954, 2019
Dosimetric benefit of adaptive re-planning in pancreatic cancer stereotactic body radiotherapy
Y Li, JDP Hoisak, N Li, C Jiang, Z Tian, Q Gautier, M Zarepisheh, Z Wu, ...
Medical Dosimetry 40 (4), 318-324, 2015
A linear bilevel programming problem for obtaining the closest targets and minimum distance of a unit from the strong efficient frontier
GR Jahanshahloo, J Vakili, M Zarepisheh
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 29 (02), 1250011, 2012
A dual-based algorithm for solving lexicographic multiple objective programs
L Pourkarimi, M Zarepisheh
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (3), 1348-1356, 2007
A moment-based approach for DVH-guided radiotherapy treatment plan optimization
M Zarepisheh, M Shakourifar, G Trigila, PS Ghomi, S Couzens, A Abebe, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (6), 1869, 2013
Automating proton treatment planning with beam angle selection using Bayesian optimization
VT Taasti, L Hong, JS Shim, JO Deasy, M Zarepisheh
Medical physics 47 (8), 3286-3296, 2020
Determination of returns to scale by CCR formulation without chasing down alternative optimal solutions
M Zarepisheh, M Soleimani-Damaneh, L Pourkarimi
Applied mathematics letters 19 (9), 964-967, 2006
Returns to scale in multiplicative models in data envelopment analysis
M Zarepisheh, E Khorram, GR Jahanshahloo
Annals of Operations Research 173, 195-206, 2010
Inverse optimization for multi-objective linear programming
M Naghavi, AA Foroughi, M Zarepisheh
Optimization letters 13 (2), 281-294, 2019
Sensitivity analysis on the priority of the objective functions in lexicographic multiple objective linear programs
E Khorram, M Zarepisheh, BA Ghaznavi-Ghosoni
European journal of operational research 207 (3), 1162-1168, 2010
Integrating soft and hard dose‐volume constraints into hierarchical constrained IMRT optimization
S Mukherjee, L Hong, JO Deasy, M Zarepisheh
Medical physics 47 (2), 414-421, 2020
Simultaneous beam sampling and aperture shape optimization for SPORT
M Zarepisheh, R Li, Y Ye, L Xing
Medical Physics 42 (2), 1012-1022, 2015
The fixed-point iteration method for IMRT optimization with truncated dose deposition coefficient matrix
Z Tian, M Zarepisheh, X Jia, SB Jiang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.3504, 2013
Global variation of outputs with respect to the variation of inputs in performance analysis; generalized RTS
M Zarepisheh, M Soleimani-Damaneh
European Journal of Operational Research 186 (2), 786-800, 2008
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Articles 1–20