Vinit Parida
Vinit Parida
Chaired Prof Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Luleå University of Technology; Associate Editor JBR
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Inbound open innovation activities in high‐tech SMEs: the impact on innovation performance
V Parida, M Westerberg, J Frishammar
Journal of small business management 50 (2), 283-309, 2012
Product–Service Systems (PSS) business models and tactics–a systematic literature review
W Reim, V Parida, D Örtqvist
Journal of Cleaner Production 97, 61-75, 2015
Reviewing literature on digitalization, business model innovation, and sustainable industry: Past achievements and future promises
V Parida, D Sjödin, W Reim
Sustainability 11 (2), 391, 2019
Digital servitization business models in ecosystems: A theory of the firm
M Kohtamäki, V Parida, P Oghazi, H Gebauer, T Baines
Journal of Business Research 104, 380-392, 2019
How entrepreneurial SMEs compete through digital platforms: The roles of digital platform capability, network capability and ambidexterity
J Cenamor, V Parida, J Wincent
Journal of Business Research 100, 196-206, 2019
Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda✰
N Haefner, J Wincent, V Parida, O Gassmann
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120392, 2021
The relationship between digitalization and servitization: The role of servitization in capturing the financial potential of digitalization
M Kohtamäki, V Parida, PC Patel, H Gebauer
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151, 119804, 2020
Digitalization capabilities as enablers of value co‐creation in servitizing firms
S Lenka, V Parida, J Wincent
Psychology & marketing 34 (1), 92-100, 2017
Adopting a platform approach in servitization: Leveraging the value of digitalization
J Cenamor, DR Sjödin, V Parida
International Journal of Production Economics 192, 54-65, 2017
Smart Factory Implementation and Process Innovation: A Preliminary Maturity Model for Leveraging Digitalization in Manufacturing Moving to smart factories presents specific …
DR Sjödin, V Parida, M Leksell, A Petrovic
Research-technology management 61 (5), 22-31, 2018
An agile co-creation process for digital servitization: A micro-service innovation approach
D Sjödin, V Parida, M Kohtamäki, J Wincent
Journal of Business Research 112, 478-491, 2020
Value creation and value capture alignment in business model innovation: A process view on outcome‐based business models
D Sjödin, V Parida, M Jovanovic, I Visnjic
Journal of Product Innovation Management 37 (2), 158-183, 2020
Too much of a good thing? Absorptive capacity, firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation
WJ Wales, V Parida, PC Patel
Strategic management journal 34 (5), 622-633, 2013
Linking circular economy and digitalisation technologies: A systematic literature review of past achievements and future promises
C Chauhan, V Parida, A Dhir
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 177, 121508, 2022
A systematic literature review of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: insights on influencing factors
N Mary George, V Parida, T Lahti, J Wincent
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12, 309-350, 2016
A definition and theoretical review of the circular economy, value creation, and sustainable business models: where are we now and where should research move in the future?
T Lahti, J Wincent, V Parida
Sustainability 10 (8), 2799, 2018
Orchestrating industrial ecosystem in circular economy: A two-stage transformation model for large manufacturing companies
V Parida, T Burström, I Visnjic, J Wincent
Journal of business research 101, 715-725, 2019
Circular business model transformation: A roadmap for incumbent firms
J Frishammar, V Parida
California Management Review 61 (2), 5-29, 2019
Transforming provider-customer relationships in digital servitization: A relational view on digitalization
A Kamalaldin, L Linde, D Sjödin, V Parida
Industrial Marketing Management 89, 306-325, 2020
Non-linear relationship between industrial service offering and sales growth: The moderating role of network capabilities
M Kohtamäki, J Partanen, V Parida, J Wincent
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (8), 1374-1385, 2013
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Articles 1–20