Richard Caners, Ph.D.
Richard Caners, Ph.D.
Curator of Botany, Royal Alberta Museum / Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta
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Cited by
Bryophyte assemblage structure after partial harvesting in boreal mixedwood forest depends on residual canopy abundance and composition
RT Caners, SE Macdonald, RJ Belland
Forest Ecology and Management 289, 489-500, 2013
Recolonization potential of bryophyte diaspore banks in harvested boreal mixed-wood forest
RT Caners, S Ellen Macdonald, RJ Belland
Plant ecology 204, 55-68, 2009
Divergent pathways of successional recovery for in situ oil sands exploration drilling pads on wooded moderate‐rich fens in Alberta, Canada
RT Caners, VJ Lieffers
Restoration Ecology, 2014
Responses of boreal epiphytic bryophytes to different levels of partial canopy harvest
RT Caners, SE Macdonald, RJ Belland
Botany 88 (4), 315-328, 2010
Linking the biological traits of boreal bryophytes to forest habitat change after partial harvesting
RT Caners, SE Macdonald, RJ Belland
Forest ecology and management 303, 184-194, 2013
Bryophyte abundance, diversity and composition after retention harvest in boreal mixedwood forest
JRS Samuel F Bartels, S Ellen Macdonald, Derek Johnson, Richard T Caners
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2017
Relating bryophyte assemblages to a remotely sensed depth-to-water index in boreal forests
SF Bartels, RT Caners, J Ogilvie, B White, SE Macdonald
Frontiers in plant science 9, 858, 2018
Re-establishment of hummock topography promotes tree regeneration on highly disturbed moderate-rich fens
VJ Lieffers, RT Caners, H Ge
Journal of Environmental Management 197, 258-264, 2017
Vegetation dynamics in boreal forest ecosystems
NC Kenkel, DJ Walker, PR Watson, RT Caners, RA Lastra
Coenoses, 97-108, 1997
No place to hide: Rare plant detection through remote sensing
C Cerrejón, O Valeria, P Marchand, RT Caners, NJ Fenton
Diversity and Distributions 27 (6), 948-961, 2021
Forest stand structure and dynamics at Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada
RT Caners, NC Kenkel
Community Ecology 4 (2), 185-204, 2003
Habitat heterogeneity stimulates regeneration of bryophytes and vascular plants on disturbed minerotrophic peatlands
RT Caners, V Crisfield, VJ Lieffers
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49 (3), 281-295, 2019
Unveiling the nature of a miniature world: a horizon scan of fundamental questions in bryology
J Patiño, I Bisang, B Goffinet, L Hedenäs, S McDaniel, S Pressel, M Stech, ...
Journal of Bryology 44 (1), 1-34, 2022
Depth‐to‐water mediates bryophyte response to harvesting in boreal forests
SF Bartels, RS James, RT Caners, SE Macdonald
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (5), 1256-1266, 2019
Didymodon constrictus (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) new to the New World from Alberta, Canada
RH Zander, RT Caners
The Bryologist 120 (3), 287-292, 2017
Saxicolous bryophytes of an Ordovician dolomite escarpment in Interlake Manitoba, with new species records for the province
RT Caners
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 125 (4), 327-337, 2012
Conservation and ecology of bryophytes in partially harvested boreal mixed-wood forests of west-central Canada
RT Caners
Dissertation Abstracts International 71 (12), 2010
Interannual variation in bryophyte dispersal: linking bryophyte phenophases and weather conditions
M Barbé, NJ Fenton, R Caners, Y Bergeron
Botany 95 (12), 1151-1169, 2017
Fabronia ciliaris, a Moss New to Canada from Southeastern Manitoba
RT Caners
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 131 (3), 246-251, 2017
Responses of boreal epiphytic bryophytes to different levels of partial canopy harvest. Botany 88, 315–328
RT Caners, SE Macdonald, RJ Belland
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Articles 1–20