Ioannis Stamos
Ioannis Stamos
Professor of Computer Science, Hunter College of CUNY
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3-D model construction using range and image data
I Stamos, PK Allen
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE Conference …, 2000
Automated feature-based range registration of urban scenes of large scale
I Stamos, M Leordeanu
2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003
Geometry and texture recovery of scenes of large scale
I Stamos, PK Allen
Computer vision and image understanding 88 (2), 94-118, 2002
Integrating automated range registration with multiview geometry for the photorealistic modeling of large-scale scenes
I Stamos, L Liu, C Chen, G Wolberg, G Yu, S Zokai
International Journal of Computer Vision 78, 237-260, 2008
Automatic 3D to 2D registration for the photorealistic rendering of urban scenes
L Liu, I Stamos
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
New methods for digital modeling of historic sites
PK Allen, A Troccoli, B Smith, S Murray, I Stamos, M Leordeanu
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23 (6), 32-41, 2003
Avenue: Automated site modeling in urban environments
P Allen, I Stamos, A Gueorguiev, E Gold, P Blaer
Proceedings Third International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and …, 2001
Multiview Geometry for Texture Mapping 2D Images Onto 3D Range Data
L Liu, I Stamos, G Yu, G Wolberg, S Zokai
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006 IEEE Computer Society …, 2006
System and related methods for automatically aligning 2D images of a scene to a 3D model of the scene
G Wolberg, L Liu, I Stamos, G Yu, S Zokai
US Patent App. 12/157,595, 2008
3D modeling of historic sites using range and image data
PK Allen, I Stamos, A Troccoli, B Smith, M Leordeanu, YC Hsu
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Automatic registration of 2-D with 3-D imagery in urban environments
I Stamos, PK Alien
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
Integration of range and image sensing for photo-realistic 3D modeling
I Stamos, PK Allen
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000
A systematic approach for 2D-image to 3D-range registration in urban environments
L Liu, I Stamos
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 116 (1), 25-37, 2012
Automated model acquisition from range images with view planning
MK Reed, PK Allen, I Stamos
Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1997
Interactive sensor planning
I Stamos, PK Allen
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1998
Semi-automatic range to range registration: a feature-based method
C Chao, I Stamos
Fifth International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM'05 …, 2005
Online detection of repeated structures in point clouds of urban scenes for compression and registration
S Friedman, I Stamos
International journal of computer vision 102 (1), 112-128, 2013
Sequential classification in point clouds of urban scenes
O Hadjiliadis, I Stamos
Proc. 3DPVT, 2010
3-D modeling from range imagery: An incremental method with a planning component
MK Reed, PK Allen, I Stamos
Proceedings. International Conference on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital …, 1997
Range image segmentation for modeling and object detection in urban scenes
CC Chen, I Stamos
Sixth International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM …, 2007
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Articles 1–20