Jeffrey R. Brown
Jeffrey R. Brown
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J Brown, DB Hess, D Shoup
Transportation 28 (3), 233-267, 2001
Planning for Cars in Cities: Planners, Engineers, and Freeways in the 20th Century
J Brown, E Morris, B Taylor
Journal of the American Planning Association 75 (2), 161-177, 2009
Fare-Free Public Transit at Universities: An Evaluation
J Brown, DB Hess, D Shoup
Journal of Planning Education and Research 23 (1), 69-82, 2003
Waiting for the Bus
D Hess, J Brown, DO SHoup
Journal of Public Transportation 7 (4), 67-84, 2004
What really matters for increasing transit ridership: Understanding the determinants of transit ridership demand in Broward County, Florida
G Thompson, J Brown, T Bhattacharya
Urban Studies 49 (15), 3327-3345, 2012
The Relationship between Transit Ridership and Urban Decentralization: Insights from Atlanta
J Brown, G Thompson
Urban Studies 45 (5&6), 1119-1139, 2008
A Tale of Two Visions: Harland Bartholomew, Robert Moses, and the Development of the American Freeway
J Brown
Journal of Planning History 4 (1), 3-32, 2005
Service Orientation, Bus-Rail Service Integration, and Transit Performance: An Examination of 45 U.S. Metropolitan Areas
J Brown, G Thompson
Transportation Research Record 2042, 82-89, 2008
Explaining Variation in Transit Ridership in U.S. Metropolitan Areas between 1990 and 2000: A Multivariate Analysis
G Thompson, J Brown
Transportation Research Record 1986, 172-181, 2006
From Traffic Regulation to Limited Ways: The Effort to Develop a Science of Transportation Planning
J Brown
Journal of Planning History 5 (1), 3-34, 2006
Examining the Influence of Multidestination Service Orientation on Transit Service Productivity: A Multivariate Analysis
J Brown, G Thompson
Transportation 35 (2), 45-54, 2008
Estimating Transit Accessibility Using an Alternative Method: Evidence from Broward County, Florida
B Alam, G Thompson, J Brown
Transportation Research Record 2144, 62-71, 2010
Understanding transit ridership demand for the multidestination, multimodal transit network in Atlanta, Georgia: Lessons for increasing rail transit choice ridership while …
J Brown, G Thompson, T Bhattacharya, M Jaroszynski
Urban studies 51 (5), 938-958, 2014
The future of California highway finance
J Brown, M DiFrancia, MC Hill, P Law, J Olson, BD Taylor, M Wachs, ...
Proceedings of the Berkeley-Tottori Joint Seminar on Modal Coordination in …, 1999
Making a successful LRT-based regional transit system: Lessons from five new start cities
GL Thompson, JR Brown
Journal of Public Transportation 15 (2), 157-180, 2012
Adapting to challenge: Examining older adult transportation in rural communities
M Bond, JR Brown, J Wood
Case studies on transport policy 5 (4), 707-715, 2017
Should transit serve the CBD or a diverse array of destinations? A case study comparison of two transit systems
JR Brown, GL Thompson
Journal of Public Transportation 15 (1), 1-18, 2012
Donor states and donee states: investigating geographic redistribution of the US federal-aid highway program 1974–2008
P Zhu, JR Brown
Transportation 40, 203-227, 2013
Race, Class, Gender, and Public Transportation Planning: Lessons from the Bus Riders Union Lawsuit
J Brown
Critical Planning, 3-20, 1998
A comparative assessment of the factors associated with station-level streetcar versus light rail transit ridership in the United States
LE Ramos-Santiago, J Brown
Urban studies 53 (5), 915-935, 2016
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