Yuanjin Zheng
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Cited by
Technology roadmap for flexible sensors
Y Luo, MR Abidian, JH Ahn, D Akinwande, AM Andrews, M Antonietti, ...
ACS nano 17 (6), 5211-5295, 2023
All‐Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals for High‐Efficiency Light Emitting Diodes: Dual‐Phase CsPbBr3‐CsPb2Br5 Composites
X Zhang, B Xu, J Zhang, Y Gao, Y Zheng, K Wang, XW Sun
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (25), 4595-4600, 2016
Hybrid perovskite light‐emitting diodes based on perovskite nanocrystals with organic–inorganic mixed cations
X Zhang, H Liu, W Wang, J Zhang, B Xu, KL Karen, Y Zheng, S Liu, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (18), 1606405, 2017
A 0.45 V 100-Channel Neural-Recording IC With Sub-/Channel Consumption in 0.18 CMOS
D Han, Y Zheng, R Rajkumar, GS Dawe, M Je
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 7 (6), 735-746, 2013
High-performance piezoelectric nanogenerators composed of formamidinium lead halide perovskite nanoparticles and poly (vinylidene fluoride)
R Ding, X Zhang, G Chen, H Wang, R Kishor, J Xiao, F Gao, K Zeng, ...
Nano Energy 37, 126-135, 2017
Flexible piezoelectric nanocomposite generators based on formamidinium lead halide perovskite nanoparticles
R Ding, H Liu, X Zhang, J Xiao, R Kishor, H Sun, B Zhu, G Chen, F Gao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (42), 7708-7716, 2016
Low-power ultrawideband wireless telemetry transceiver for medical sensor applications
Y Gao, Y Zheng, S Diao, WD Toh, CW Ang, M Je, CH Heng
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (3), 768-772, 2010
Green EMI shielding: Dielectric/magnetic “genes” and design philosophy
XX Wang, Q Zheng, YJ Zheng, MS Cao
Carbon 206, 124-141, 2023
Multispectral optoacoustic imaging of dynamic redox correlation and pathophysiological progression utilizing upconversion nanoprobes
X Ai, Z Wang, H Cheong, Y Wang, R Zhang, J Lin, Y Zheng, M Gao, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1087, 2019
A bioinspired analogous nerve towards artificial intelligence
X Liao, W Song, X Zhang, C Yan, T Li, H Ren, C Liu, Y Wang, Y Zheng
Nature communications 11 (1), 268, 2020
Surface engineering of semiconducting polymer nanoparticles for amplified photoacoustic imaging
X Zhen, X Feng, C Xie, Y Zheng, K Pu
Biomaterials 127, 97-106, 2017
Noninvasive electromagnetic wave sensing of glucose
R Zhang, S Liu, H Jin, Y Luo, Z Zheng, F Gao, Y Zheng
Sensors 19 (5), 1151, 2019
A CMOS ultra low-power and highly efficient UWB-IR transmitter for WPAN applications
S Diao, Y Zheng, CH Heng
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 56 (3), 200-204, 2009
Wavefront shaping: a versatile tool to conquer multiple scattering in multidisciplinary fields
Z Yu, H Li, T Zhong, JH Park, S Cheng, CM Woo, Q Zhao, J Yao, Y Zhou, ...
The Innovation 3 (5), 2022
A CMOS carrier-less UWB transceiver for WPAN applications
Y Zheng, Y Tong, CW Ang, YP Xu, WG Yeoh, F Lin, R Singh
2006 IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference-Digest of Technical …, 2006
Magnetically mediated thermoacoustic imaging toward deeper penetration
X Feng, F Gao, Y Zheng
Applied Physics Letters 103 (8), 2013
Single laser pulse generates dual photoacoustic signals for differential contrast photoacoustic imaging
F Gao, X Feng, R Zhang, S Liu, R Ding, R Kishor, Y Zheng
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 626, 2017
Plasmonic Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Based on the Ag–CsPbBr3 System
X Zhang, B Xu, W Wang, S Liu, Y Zheng, S Chen, K Wang, XW Sun
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (5), 4926-4931, 2017
A CMOS VGA with DC offset cancellation for direct-conversion receivers
Y Zheng, J Yan, YP Xu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 56 (1), 103-113, 2008
Multiple functional ECG signal is processing for wearable applications of long-term cardiac monitoring
X Liu, Y Zheng, MW Phyu, B Zhao, M Je, X Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (2), 380-389, 2010
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Articles 1–20