Brian H. Y. Lee
Brian H. Y. Lee
Puget Sound Regional Council, Seattle WA
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Cited by
Better understanding of factors influencing likelihood of using shared bicycle systems and frequency of use
J Bachand-Marleau, BHY Lee, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Record 2314 (1), 66-71, 2012
Residential mobility and location choice: a nested logit model with sampling of alternatives
BHY Lee, P Waddell
Transportation 37, 587-601, 2010
Reexamining the influence of work and nonwork accessibility on residential location choices with a microanalytic framework
BHY Lee, P Waddell, L Wang, RM Pendyala
Environment and Planning A 42 (4), 913-930, 2010
Bicycle safety helmet legislation and bicycle-related non-fatal injuries in California
BHY Lee, JL Schofer, FS Koppelman
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (1), 93-102, 2005
Rideshare mode potential in non-metropolitan areas of the northeastern United States
BHY Lee, L Aultman-Hall, M Coogan, T Adler
Journal of Transport and Land Use 9 (3), 111-126, 2016
Restraint use and age and sex characteristics of persons involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes
BHY Lee, JL Schofer
Transportation research record 1830 (1), 10-17, 2003
Parcel-level measure of public transit accessibility to destinations
Access to destinations, 215-242, 2005
Factors influencing teleworking productivity–a natural experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic
X Shi, AV Moudon, BHY Lee, Q Shen, XJ Ban
Findings, 2020
Odds of fault and factors for out-of-state drivers in crashes in four states of the USA
K Harootunian, BHY Lee, L Aultman-Hall
Accident Analysis & Prevention 72, 32-43, 2014
Governance informatics: Managing the performance of inter-organizational governance networks
C Koliba, A Zia, BHY Lee
The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal 16 (1), 1-26, 2011
Mobility, communication, and place: Navigating the landscapes of suburban US teens
M Cope, BHY Lee
Geographies of Mobility, 69-78, 2018
An Event-Based Framework for Non-Compliant Driver Behavior at Single-Lane Roundabouts
NP Belz, L Aultman-Hall, PE Gårder, BHY Lee
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014
Composition of vehicle occupancy for journey-to-work trips: evidence of ridesharing from 2009 National Household Travel Survey Vermont Add-On Sample
NP Belz, BHY Lee
Transportation Research Record 2322 (1), 1-9, 2012
Operationalizing time-space prism accessibility in a building-level residential choice model: empirical results from the Puget Sound region
BHY Lee, P Waddell, L Wang, RM Pendyala
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2009
Using National Survey Respondents as Consumers in an Agent-Based Model of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Adoption
MJ Eppstein, DM Rizzo, BHY Lee, JS Krupa, N Manukyan
IEEE Access 3, 457-468, 2015
Governance informatics: Utilizing computer simulation models to manage complex governance networks
C Koliba, A Zia, B Lee
The Innovation Journal: Innovations for the Public Sector 16 (1), 3-25, 2011
Estimating the effect of mobility and food choice on obesity in a rural, northern environment
JM Kolodinsky, G Battista, E Roche, BHY Lee, RK Johnson
Journal of Transport Geography 61, 30-39, 2017
Traveler perspectives of greenway quality in northern New England
PR Pettengill, BHY Lee, RE Manning
Transportation Research Record 2314 (1), 31-40, 2012
Exploring Transportation Accessibility to Health Care among Vermont's Rural Seniors
GA Battista, BHY Lee, J Kolodinsky, SN Heiss
Transportation Research Record 2531 (1), 137-145, 2015
Assessing the Relative Crash Fault of Out-of-State Drivers in Vermont, USA
K Harootunian, L Aultman-Hall, BHY Lee
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 6 (3), 207-219, 2014
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Articles 1–20