R. Bradley Pierce
R. Bradley Pierce
Director, UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center
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Improving national air quality forecasts with satellite aerosol observations
J Al-Saadi, J Szykman, RB Pierce, C Kittaka, D Neil, DA Chu, L Remer, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86 (9), 1249-1262, 2005
Tropospheric emissions: Monitoring of pollution (TEMPO)
P Zoogman, X Liu, RM Suleiman, WF Pennington, DE Flittner, JA Al-Saadi, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 186, 17-39, 2017
CALIPSO lidar observations of the optical properties of Saharan dust: A case study of long‐range transport
Z Liu, A Omar, M Vaughan, J Hair, C Kittaka, Y Hu, K Powell, C Trepte, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D7), 2008
Satellite data of atmospheric pollution for US air quality applications: Examples of applications, summary of data end-user resources, answers to FAQs, and common mistakes to avoid
BN Duncan, AI Prados, LN Lamsal, Y Liu, DG Streets, P Gupta, ...
Atmospheric environment 94, 647-662, 2014
Characteristics, sources, and transport of aerosols measured in spring 2008 during the aerosol, radiation, and cloud processes affecting Arctic Climate (ARCPAC) Project
CA Brock, J Cozic, R Bahreini, KD Froyd, AM Middlebrook, A McComiskey, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (6), 2423-2453, 2011
The 2010 California research at the Nexus of air quality and climate change (CalNex) field study
TB Ryerson, AE Andrews, WM Angevine, TS Bates, CA Brock, B Cairns, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (11), 5830-5866, 2013
The GCM-Reality Intercomparison Project for SPARC (GRIPS): Scientific issues and initial results
S Pawson, K Kodera, K Hamilton, TG Shepherd, SR Beagley, BA Boville, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81 (4), 781-796, 2000
Overview of the second Texas air quality study (TexAQS II) and the Gulf of Mexico atmospheric composition and climate study (GoMACCS)
DD Parrish, DT Allen, TS Bates, M Estes, FC Fehsenfeld, G Feingold, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D7), 2009
Lidar-measured wind profiles: The missing link in the global observing system
WE Baker, R Atlas, C Cardinali, A Clement, GD Emmitt, BM Gentry, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (4), 543-564, 2014
A climatology of stratospheric polar vortices and anticyclones
VL Harvey, RB Pierce, TD Fairlie, MH Hitchman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D20), ACL 10-1-ACL 10-22, 2002
Chaotic advection in the stratosphere: Implications for the dispersal of chemically perturbed air from the polar vortex
RB Pierce, TDA Fairlie
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D10), 18589-18595, 1993
Remote sensing of tropospheric pollution from space
J Fishman, KW Bowman, JP Burrows, A Richter, KV Chance, DP Edwards, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89 (6), 805-822, 2008
Intercontinental chemical transport experiment ozonesonde network study (IONS) 2004: 2. Tropospheric ozone budgets and variability over northeastern North America
AM Thompson, JB Stone, JC Witte, SK Miller, SJ Oltmans, TL Kucsera, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D12), 2007
Evaluating Sentinel-5P TROPOMI tropospheric NO column densities with airborne and Pandora spectrometers near New York City and Long Island Sound
LM Judd, JA Al-Saadi, JJ Szykman, LC Valin, SJ Janz, MG Kowalewski, ...
Atmospheric measurement techniques 13 (11), 6113-6140, 2020
Chemical data assimilation estimates of continental US ozone and nitrogen budgets during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment–North America
RB Pierce, T Schaack, JA Al‐Saadi, TD Fairlie, C Kittaka, G Lingenfelser, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D12), 2007
Reactive nitrogen distribution and partitioning in the North American troposphere and lowermost stratosphere
HB Singh, L Salas, D Herlth, R Kolyer, E Czech, M Avery, JH Crawford, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D12), 2007
A new interpretation of total column BrO during Arctic spring
RJ Salawitch, T Canty, T Kurosu, K Chance, Q Liang, A da Silva, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (21), 2010
Influence of lateral and top boundary conditions on regional air quality prediction: A multiscale study coupling regional and global chemical transport models
Y Tang, GR Carmichael, N Thongboonchoo, T Chai, LW Horowitz, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D10), 2007
Intercomparison of near-real-time biomass burning emissions estimates constrained by satellite fire data
JA Al-Saadi, AJ Soja, RB Pierce, JJ Szykman, C Wiedinmyer, LK Emmons, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2 (1), 021504, 2008
An intercomparison and evaluation of aircraft‐derived and simulated CO from seven chemical transport models during the TRACE‐P experiment
CM Kiley, HE Fuelberg, PI Palmer, DJ Allen, GR Carmichael, DJ Jacob, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D21), 2003
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Articles 1–20