Chin-Te Jung
Chin-Te Jung
PostDoc, Department of Geography, SDSU
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Cited by
An ontology-enabled framework for a geospatial problem-solving environment
CT Jung, CH Sun, M Yuan
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 38, 45-57, 2013
Social media analytics and research test-bed (SMART dashboard)
MH Tsou, CT Jung, C Allen, JA Yang, JM Gawron, BH Spitzberg, S Han
Proceedings of the 2015 international conference on social media & society, 1-7, 2015
Building a real-time geo-targeted event observation (Geo) viewer for disaster management and situation awareness
MH Tsou, CT Jung, C Allen, JA Yang, SY Han, BH Spitzberg, J Dozier
Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International …, 2017
Social media analytics and research testbed (SMART): Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of human dynamics with geo-targeted social media messages
JA Yang, MH Tsou, CT Jung, C Allen, BH Spitzberg, JM Gawron, SY Han
Big Data & Society 3 (1), 2053951716652914, 2016
Identifying data noises, user biases, and system errors in geo-tagged twitter messages (Tweets)
MH Tsou, H Zhang, CT Jung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.02433, 2017
Ontology-driven Problem Solving Framework for Spatial Decision Support Systems
CT Jung, CH Sun
Proceedings, global spatial data handling 12, 19-22, 2010
Developing a real-time situation awareness viewer for monitoring disaster impacts using location-based social media messages in Twitter
CT Jung, MH Tsou, E Issa
International Conference on Location-Based Social Media Data, Athens, GA …, 2015
Development of an Ontology-based Service Oriented Architecture Framework for National Geographic Information System in Taiwan
C Sun, CT Jung, FY Kuo, WK Lee, MF Lien, KC Hung
Proc. of 11th GSDI World Conference, 2009
Identifying Data Noises, User Biases, and System Errors in Geo-tagged Twitter Messages (Tweets). arXiv 2017
MH Tsou, H Zhang, CT Jung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.02433, 2017
Development of a GIService based on spatial data mining for location choice of convenience stores in Taipei City
C Jung, CH Sun
Geoinformatics 2006: Geospatial Information Technology 6421, 367-376, 2006
Spatial distribution patterns of geo-tagged Twitter data created by social media bots and recommended data wrangling procedures
MH Tsou, H Zhang, J Park, A Nara, CT Jung
Empowering human dynamics research with social media and geospatial data …, 2021
Geolocation Services
CT Jung
International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and …, 2016
Geo-based social media analytics and SMART dashboard for tracking influenza outbreaks
MH Tsou, M Peddecord, J Johnson, CT Jung
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 7 (1), 2015
Leveraging social media for applied problems: Case studies in mapping cyberspace to realspace
BH Spitzberg, MH Tsou, CT Jung
The Handbook of Applied Communication Research, 163-182, 2020
Agents, Ontology‐Based Decision‐Support Systems
CH Sun, CT Jung
International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and …, 2016
MAKOCI: A Web Portal for Integrating and Sharing Geographic Information Services
CT Jung, CH Sun, MF Lien, CS Chang, WJ Chung, HY Lin, PY Tsai
Geography, Environment, Sustainability 6 (1), 37-54, 2013
楊宜芬, 孫志鴻, 榮峻德
中國地理學會會刊, 38:, 45-65, 2007
Conversations with advocates of e-cigarettes
L Martinez, RE Hensley, MT Tsou, CT Jung
National Communication Association (NCA) annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT …, 2018
Situational awareness of health events using social media and the SMART dashboard
MH Tsou, CT Jung, M Peddecord
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 8 (1), 2016
孫志鴻, 榮峻德
研考雙月刊 33 (6), 35-48, 2009
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Articles 1–20