Torre J. Hovick
Cited by
Cited by
Spatial heterogeneity increases diversity and stability in grassland bird communities
TJ Hovick, RD Elmore, SD Fuhlendorf, DM Engle, RG Hamilton
Ecological Applications 25 (3), 662-672, 2015
Evidence of negative effects of anthropogenic structures on wildlife: a review of grouse survival and behaviour
TJ Hovick, RD Elmore, DK Dahlgren, SD Fuhlendorf, DM Engle
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (6), 1680-1689, 2014
Structural heterogeneity increases diversity of non‐breeding grassland birds
TJ Hovick, RD Elmore, SD Fuhlendorf
Ecosphere 5 (5), 1-13, 2014
Effects of fire and grazing on grasshopper sparrow nest survival
TJ Hovick, JR Miller, SJ Dinsmore, DM Engle, DM Debinski, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (1), 19-27, 2012
Spatial heterogeneity stabilizes livestock productivity in a changing climate
BW Allred, JD Scasta, TJ Hovick, SD Fuhlendorf, RG Hamilton
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 193, 37-41, 2014
Landscapes as a moderator of thermal extremes: a case study from an imperiled grouse
TJ Hovick, RD Elmore, BW Allred, SD Fuhlendorf, DK Dahlgren
Ecosphere 5 (3), 1-12, 2014
Conservation implications of native and introduced ungulates in a changing climate
BW Allred, SD Fuhlendorf, TJ Hovick, R Dwayne Elmore, DM Engle, ...
Global change biology 19 (6), 1875-1883, 2013
Arthropods and fire: previous research shaping future conservation
KC Kral, RF Limb, JP Harmon, TJ Hovick
Rangeland Ecology & Management 70 (5), 589-598, 2017
Patch-burn grazing (PBG) as a livestock management alternative for fire-prone ecosystems of North America
JD Scasta, ET Thacker, TJ Hovick, DM Engle, BW Allred, SD Fuhlendorf, ...
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 31 (6), 550-567, 2016
Implications of the thermal environment for terrestrial wildlife management
RD Elmore, JM Carroll, EP Tanner, TJ Hovick, BA Grisham, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 41 (2), 183-193, 2017
Weather constrains the influence of fire and grazing on nesting greater prairie-chickens
TJ Hovick, RD Elmore, SD Fuhlendorf, DK Dahlgren
Rangeland Ecology & Management 68 (2), 186-193, 2015
A meta‐analysis of the influence of anthropogenic noise on terrestrial wildlife communication strategies
CA Duquette, SR Loss, TJ Hovick
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (6), 1112-1121, 2021
Effects of livestock grazing on rangeland biodiversity: a meta‐analysis of grouse populations
SJ Dettenmaier, TA Messmer, TJ Hovick, DK Dahlgren
Ecology and evolution 7 (19), 7620-7627, 2017
Grassland plant community spatial patterns driven by herbivory intensity
RF Limb, TJ Hovick, JE Norland, JM Volk
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 257, 113-119, 2018
Temporal variability in aboveground plant biomass decreases as spatial variability increases
DMD DA McGranahan, T.J. Hovick, R.D. Elmore, D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, S ...
Ecology 97 (3), 555-560, 2016
Recoupling fire and grazing reduces wildland fuel loads on rangelands
HD Starns, SD Fuhlendorf, RD Elmore, D Twidwell, ET Thacker, TJ Hovick, ...
Ecosphere 10 (1), e02578, 2019
A hierarchical perspective to woody plant encroachment for conservation of prairie-chickens
SD Fuhlendorf, TJ Hovick, RD Elmore, AM Tanner, DM Engle, CA Davis
Rangeland Ecology & Management 70 (1), 9-14, 2017
Postfledging survival of grasshopper sparrows in grasslands managed with fire and grazing
TJ Hovick, JR Miller, RR Koford, DM Engle, DM Debinski
The Condor 113 (2), 429-437, 2011
Effect of pyric herbivory on source–sink dynamics in grassland birds
CA Davis, RT Churchwell, SD Fuhlendorf, DM Engle, TJ Hovick
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (4), 1004-1012, 2016
Plant–pollinator networks in grassland working landscapes reveal seasonal shifts in network structure and composition
CR Bendel, KC Kral‐O'Brien, TJ Hovick, RF Limb, JP Harmon
Ecosphere 10 (1), e02569, 2019
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Articles 1–20