Raphael Nedellec
Raphael Nedellec
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Cited by
Additive models and robust aggregation for GEFCom2014 probabilistic electric load and electricity price forecasting
P Gaillard, Y Goude, R Nedellec
International Journal of forecasting 32 (3), 1038-1050, 2016
Local short and middle term electricity load forecasting with semi-parametric additive models
Y Goude, R Nedellec, N Kong
IEEE transactions on smart grid 5 (1), 440-446, 2013
Fast calibrated additive quantile regression
M Fasiolo, SN Wood, M Zaffran, R Nedellec, Y Goude
Journal of the American Statistical Association 116 (535), 1402-1412, 2021
Scalable visualization methods for modern generalized additive models
M Fasiolo, R Nedellec, Y Goude, SN Wood
Journal of computational and Graphical Statistics 29 (1), 78-86, 2020
GEFCom2012: Electric load forecasting and backcasting with semi-parametric models
R Nedellec, J Cugliari, Y Goude
International Journal of forecasting 30 (2), 375-381, 2014
qgam: Bayesian nonparametric quantile regression modeling in R
M Fasiolo, SN Wood, M Zaffran, R Nedellec, Y Goude
Journal of Statistical Software 100, 1-31, 2021
Package ‘mgcviz’
M Fasiolo, R Nedellec, Y Goude, C Capezza, SN Wood, MM Fasiolo
Visualisations for gener-alised additive models, 2020
mgcViz: Visualisations for generalized additive models
M Fasiolo, R Nedellec, Y Goude, C Capezza, SN Wood
Computer software]. https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= mgcViz, 2020
MgcViz: Visual tools for generalized additive models
M Fasiolo, R Nedellec, Y Goude, S Wood
R package version 0.1 1, 2018
Childhood infections, but not early life growth, influence hearing in the Newcastle thousand families birth cohort at age 14 years
F Pearson, KD Mann, R Nedellec, A Rees, MS Pearce
BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 13, 1-7, 2013
On the use of yearly load scenarios to estimate the volume of curtailed generation
J Fournel, R Nedellec, A Pagnetti, A Ahram
2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-5, 2016
Interactive anomaly detection in mixed tabular data using Bayesian networks
TB Evan Dufraisse, Philippe Leray, Raphaël Nedellec
10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2020), 2020
Sex Differences in the Association between Fetal Growth and Childhood Hearing Level: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study
MS Pearce, KD Mann, R Nedellec, A Rees
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: 7th World Congress …, 2011
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Articles 1–13