Tai Kong
Tai Kong
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Linear Magnetoresistance Caused by Mobility Fluctuations in -Doped
A Narayanan, MD Watson, SF Blake, N Bruyant, L Drigo, YL Chen, ...
Physical review letters 114 (11), 117201, 2015
Use of frit-disc crucibles for routine and exploratory solution growth of single crystalline samples
PC Canfield, T Kong, US Kaluarachchi, NH Jo
Philosophical Magazine 96 (1), 84-92, 2016
VI3—a New Layered Ferromagnetic Semiconductor
T Kong, K Stolze, EI Timmons, J Tao, D Ni, S Guo, Z Yang, R Prozorov, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (17), 1808074, 2019
Anisotropic thermodynamic and transport properties of single-crystalline
WR Meier, T Kong, US Kaluarachchi, V Taufour, NH Jo, G Drachuck, ...
Physical Review B 94 (6), 064501, 2016
A family of binary magnetic icosahedral quasicrystals based on rare earths and cadmium
AI Goldman, T Kong, A Kreyssig, A Jesche, M Ramazanoglu, KW Dennis, ...
Nature materials 12 (8), 714-718, 2013
Phase transition in bulk single crystals and thin films of by nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and imaging
M Liu, AJ Sternbach, M Wagner, TV Slusar, T Kong, SL Bud'ko, ...
Physical Review B 91 (24), 245155, 2015
Realization of a Type‐II Nodal‐Line Semimetal in Mg3Bi2
TR Chang, I Pletikosic, T Kong, G Bian, A Huang, J Denlinger, ...
Advanced Science 6 (4), 1800897, 2019
Sc–Zr–Nb–Rh–Pd and Sc–Zr–Nb–Ta–Rh–Pd High-Entropy Alloy Superconductors on a CsCl-Type Lattice
K Stolze, J Tao, FO von Rohr, T Kong, RJ Cava
Chemistry of Materials 30 (3), 906-914, 2018
Enhancement of the Superconducting Gap by Nesting in : A New High Temperature Superconductor
D Mou, T Kong, WR Meier, F Lochner, LL Wang, Q Lin, Y Wu, SL Bud’ko, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (27), 277001, 2016
Optimization of the crystal growth of the superconductor from solution in the system
WR Meier, T Kong, SL Bud'ko, PC Canfield
Physical Review Materials 1 (1), 013401, 2017
High-entropy alloy superconductors on an α-Mn lattice
K Stolze, FA Cevallos, T Kong, RJ Cava
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (39), 10441-10449, 2018
Anisotropic , thermodynamic and transport measurements, and pressure dependence of in single crystals
T Kong, SL Bud'ko, PC Canfield
Physical Review B 91 (2), 020507, 2015
Electronic structure of (, Ce, Gd, Dy, Ho, Tm, Lu) studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Y Wu, Y Lee, T Kong, D Mou, R Jiang, L Huang, SL Bud'ko, PC Canfield, ...
Physical Review B 96 (3), 035134, 2017
Nodeless multiband superconductivity in stoichiometric single-crystalline
K Cho, A Fente, S Teknowijoyo, MA Tanatar, KR Joshi, NM Nusran, ...
Physical Review B 95 (10), 100502, 2017
Asymmetric mass acquisition in LaBi: Topological semimetal candidate
Y Wu, T Kong, LL Wang, DD Johnson, D Mou, L Huang, B Schrunk, ...
Physical Review B 94 (8), 081108, 2016
Anisotropy reversal of the upper critical field at low temperatures and spin-locked superconductivity in
FF Balakirev, T Kong, M Jaime, RD McDonald, CH Mielke, A Gurevich, ...
Physical Review B 91 (22), 220505, 2015
Influence of multiband sign-changing superconductivity on vortex cores and vortex pinning in stoichiometric high- CaKFe As
A Fente, WR Meier, T Kong, VG Kogan, SL Bud’ko, PC Canfield, ...
Physical Review B 97 (13), 134501, 2018
Pressure-induced half-collapsed-tetragonal phase in
US Kaluarachchi, V Taufour, A Sapkota, V Borisov, T Kong, WR Meier, ...
Physical Review B 96 (14), 140501, 2017
Magnetic fluctuations and superconducting properties of studied by NMR
J Cui, QP Ding, WR Meier, AE Böhmer, T Kong, V Borisov, Y Lee, ...
Physical Review B 96 (10), 104512, 2017
Multiple ferromagnetic transitions and structural distortion in the van der Waals ferromagnet at ambient and finite pressures
E Gati, Y Inagaki, T Kong, RJ Cava, Y Furukawa, PC Canfield, SL Bud'ko
Physical Review B 100 (9), 094408, 2019
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Articles 1–20