Seng Keat Teh
Seng Keat Teh
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Cited by
Cited by
An open source tracking testbed and evaluation web site
R Collins, X Zhou, SK Teh
IEEE international workshop on performance evaluation of tracking and …, 2005
Prpl: a decentralized social networking infrastructure
SW Seong, J Seo, M Nasielski, D Sengupta, S Hangal, SK Teh, R Chu, ...
Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing & Services …, 2010
Groups without tears: mining social topologies from email
D MacLean, S Hangal, SK Teh, MS Lam, J Heer
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on intelligent user …, 2011
The architecture and implementation of a decentralized social networking platform
SW Seong, M Nasielski, J Seo, D Sengupta, S Hangal, SK Teh, R Chu, ...
Technical report, 2009
An algorithm and analysis of social topologies from email and photo tags
TJ Purtell, D MacLean, SK Teh, S Hangal, MS Lam, J Heer
Workshop on Social Network Mining & Analysis, ACM KDD, 2011
Preserving Privacy with PrPl: a Decentralized Social Networking Infrastructure
SW Seong, J Seo, M Nasielski, D Sengupta, S Hangal, SK Teh, R Chu, ...
Proc. 9th Int’l Symp. on Privacy Enhancing Technologies PETS 10, 2010
VIVID Tracking Evaluation Web Site
RT Collins, M Hebert, H Yalcin, D Tolliver, M Leordeanu, X Zhou, SK Teh
Software Dostupné z< http://vision. cse. psu. edu/data/vividEval/software. html, 0
An Algorithm and Analysis of Social Topologies from Email and Photo Tags
TJPD MacLean, SK Teh, SHMS Lam, J Heer
Broadcasting Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Data Distribution Systems
SK Teh, BMD Maggs, DG Andersen
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Articles 1–9