Jessie R. Weber, PhD
Jessie R. Weber, PhD
Institut TransMedTech, INO, McGill Unviersity, MIT, University of California Irvine
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Cited by
Multispectral imaging of tissue absorption and scattering using spatial frequency domain imaging and a computed-tomography imaging spectrometer
JR Weber, DJ Cuccia, WR Johnson, GH Bearman, AJ Durkin, M Hsu, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 16 (1), 011015-011015-7, 2011
Noncontact imaging of absorption and scattering in layered tissue using spatially modulated structured light
JR Weber, DJ Cuccia, AJ Durkin, BJ Tromberg
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (10), 2009
Modulated imaging in layered media
JR Weber, DJ Cuccia, BJ Tromberg
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
Towards a bimodal proximity sensor for in situ neurovascular bundle detection during dental implant surgery
HGM Jessie R. Weber, François Baribeau, Paul Grenier
Biomedical Optics Express 5 (1), 16-30, 2013
Experimental validation of a spectroscopic Monte Carlo light transport simulation technique and Raman scattering depth sensing analysis in biological tissue
A Akbarzadeh, E Edjlali, G Sheehy, J Selb, R Agarwal, J Weber, ...
Journal of Biomedical Optics 25 (10), 105002-105002, 2020
Needle assembly and sample analysis system for collection and optical interrogation of a biological sample
J Weber, C Riviere, A Proulx
US Patent App. 16/481,317, 2019
Towards Functional optical imaging in layered tissues using modulated imaging
JR Weber, DJ Cuccia, F Ayers, JS You, AJ Durkin, BJ Tromberg
Biomedical Topical Meeting, SH58, 2006
Noncontact imaging of seizures using multispectral spatial frequency domain imaging
JR Weber, M Hsu, A Lin, D Lee, C Owen, DK Binder, DJ Cuccia, ...
Biomedical Optics, BSuD110p, 2010
Apparatus and method for in vivo imaging of soft and hard tissue interfaces
HG Moghaddam, J WEBER, O Mermut
WO Patent WO2019165553A1, 2019
Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XVIII
M Ben-David, O Hopper, M Sholomov, E Katz, I Kelson
SPIE, 2018
New fiber-based approaches for optical biopsy (Conference Presentation)
JR Weber, C Rivière, A Proulx, P Gallant, O Mermut
SPIE BiOS, 1005805-1005805-1, 2017
An Ultra Low Noise Optoelectronic Module Enables an in Situ Range-Finder Probe to Locate a Neurovascular Bundle in Dental Implant Surgery
O Mermut, F Baribeau, J Weber, P Gallant, F Emond, S Dubois, ...
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 225, 1482-1482, 2014
Near-Infrared Spectral Absorption Techniques And OCT As An In Situ Rangefinder Probe to Locate A Neurovascular Bundle In Dental Implant Surgeries
J Weber, F Baribeau, F Émond, T Pope, P Grenier, P Gallant, O Mermut, ...
Engineering Conferences International (ECI): Advances in Optics for …, 2013
3D solid tissue phantoms for combined diffuse reflectance, intrinsic fluorescence and raman spectroscopies
JR Weber, Z Volynskaya, Z Yaqoob, S McGee, A Saha, D R. R., ...
SPIE Photonics West 2011, 2011
The impact of spatial and spectral frequencies in structured light imaging of thick tissues
JR Weber
University of California, Irvine, 2009
Shedding Light On The Pre-seizure State
CM Owen, MS Mathews, JR Weber, D Abookasis, AJ Durkin, D Cuccia, ...
Epilepsia 48, 123-124, 2007
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Articles 1–16