Cleo Bertelsmeier
Cited by
Cited by
Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity
C Bellard, C Bertelsmeier, P Leadley, W Thuiller, F Courchamp
Ecology letters 15 (4), 365-377, 2012
Invasion Biology: Specific Problems and Possible Solutions
F Courchamp, A Fournier, C Bellard, C Bertelsmeier, E Bonnaud, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32 (1), 13-22, 2017
The 100th of the world’s worst invasive alien species
GM Luque, C Bellard, C Bertelsmeier, E Bonnaud, P Genovesi, ...
Biological invasions 16, 981-985, 2014
Complex patterns of global spread in invasive insects: eco-evolutionary and management consequences
J R Garnas, MA Auger-Rozenberg, A Roques, C Bertelsmeier, ...
Biological Invasions 18, 935-952, 2016
Recent human history governs global ant invasion dynamics
C Bertelsmeier, S Ollier, A Liebhold, L Keller
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (7), 0184, 2017
Bridgehead effects and role of adaptive evolution in invasive populations
C Bertelsmeier, L Keller
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (7), 527-534, 2018
Human-mediated dispersal in insects
JMW Gippet, AM Liebhold, G Fenn-Moltu, C Bertelsmeier
Current opinion in insect science 35, 96-102, 2019
Recurrent bridgehead effects accelerate global alien ant spread
C Bertelsmeier, S Ollier, AM Liebhold, EG Brockerhoff, D Ward, L Keller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (21), 5486-5491, 2018
Worldwide ant invasions under climate change
C Bertelsmeier, GM Luque, BD Hoffmann, F Courchamp
Biodiversity and conservation 24, 117-128, 2015
How complex should models be? Comparing correlative and mechanistic range dynamics models
DA Fordham, C Bertelsmeier, BW Brook, R Early, D Neto, SC Brown, ...
Global change biology 24 (3), 1357-1370, 2018
Globalization and the anthropogenic spread of invasive social insects
C Bertelsmeier
Current opinion in insect science 46, 16-23, 2021
Invasive termites in a changing climate: A global perspective
G Buczkowski, C Bertelsmeier
Ecology and Evolution 7 (3), 974-985, 2017
Invasiveness is linked to greater commercial success in the global pet trade
JMW Gippet, C Bertelsmeier
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (14), e2016337118, 2021
Predicted decrease in global climate suitability masks regional complexity of invasive fruit fly species response to climate change
MP Hill, C Bertelsmeier, S Clusella-Trullas, J Garnas, MP Robertson, ...
Biological Invasions 18, 1105-1119, 2016
Worldwide border interceptions provide a window into human‐mediated global insect movement
RM Turner, EG Brockerhoff, C Bertelsmeier, RE Blake, B Caton, A James, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (7), e02412, 2021
Insect and plant invasions follow two waves of globalisation
A Bonnamour, JMW Gippet, C Bertelsmeier
Ecology letters 24 (11), 2418-2426, 2021
Invasions of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in light of global climate change
C Bertelsmeier, O Blight, F Courchamp
Myrmecological News 22, 25-42, 2016
Climatic niche shifts in introduced species
OK Bates, C Bertelsmeier
Current Biology 31 (19), R1252-R1266, 2021
Different behavioural strategies among seven highly invasive ant species
C Bertelsmeier, A Avril, O Blight, A Confais, L Diez, H Jourdan, J Orivel, ...
Biological Invasions, 2015
Smaller climatic niche shifts in invasive than non-invasive alien ant species
OK Bates, S Ollier, C Bertelsmeier
Nature communications 11 (1), 5213, 2020
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Articles 1–20