Ying-Hui Lai
Ying-Hui Lai
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Academia Sinica
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Audio-visual speech enhancement using multimodal deep convolutional neural networks
JC Hou, SS Wang, YH Lai, Y Tsao, HW Chang, HM Wang
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 2 (2 …, 2018
Detection of pathological voice using cepstrum vectors: A deep learning approach
SH Fang, Y Tsao, MJ Hsiao, JY Chen, YH Lai, FC Lin, CT Wang
Journal of voice 33 (5), 634-641, 2019
S1 and S2 heart sound recognition using deep neural networks
TE Chen, SI Yang, LT Ho, KH Tsai, YH Chen, YF Chang, YH Lai, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (2), 372-380, 2016
A deep denoising autoencoder approach to improving the intelligibility of vocoded speech in cochlear implant simulation
YH Lai, F Chen, SS Wang, X Lu, Y Tsao, CH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (7), 1568-1578, 2016
Deep learning–based noise reduction approach to improve speech intelligibility for cochlear implant recipients
YH Lai, Y Tsao, X Lu, F Chen, YT Su, KC Chen, YH Chen, LC Chen, ...
Ear and hearing 39 (4), 795-809, 2018
A smartphone-based multi-functional hearing assistive system to facilitate speech recognition in the classroom
A Chern, YH Lai, YP Chang, Y Tsao, RY Chang, HW Chang
IEEE Access 5, 10339-10351, 2017
Joint dictionary learning-based non-negative matrix factorization for voice conversion to improve speech intelligibility after oral surgery
SW Fu, PC Li, YH Lai, CC Yang, LC Hsieh, Y Tsao
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (11), 2584-2594, 2016
Generalized maximum a posteriori spectral amplitude estimation for speech enhancement
Y Tsao, YH Lai
Speech Communication 76, 112-126, 2016
A mobile phone–based approach for hearing screening of school-age children: Cross-sectional validation study
YC Chu, YF Cheng, YH Lai, Y Tsao, TY Tu, ST Young, TS Chen, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (4), e12033, 2019
Multi-objective learning based speech enhancement method to increase speech quality and intelligibility for hearing aid device users
YH Lai, WZ Zheng
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 48, 35-45, 2019
Enhancing Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech Using Gated Convolutional-Based Voice Conversion System.
CY Chen, WZ Zheng, SS Wang, Y Tsao, PC Li, YH Lai
Interspeech, 4686-4690, 2020
A speech command control-based recognition system for dysarthric patients based on deep learning technology
YY Lin, WZ Zheng, WC Chu, JY Han, YH Hung, GM Ho, CY Chang, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2477, 2021
Audio-visual speech enhancement using deep neural networks
JC Hou, SS Wang, YH Lai, JC Lin, Y Tsao, HW Chang, HM Wang
2016 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2016
Wavelet speech enhancement based on nonnegative matrix factorization
SS Wang, A Chern, Y Tsao, J Hung, X Lu, YH Lai, B Su
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (8), 1101-1105, 2016
Audio-visual speech enhancement based on multimodal deep convolutional neural network
JC Hou, SS Wang, YH Lai, Y Tsao, HW Chang, HM Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10893, 2017
Comparison of personal sound amplification products and conventional hearing aids for patients with hearing loss: A systematic review with meta-analysis
CH Chen, CY Huang, HL Cheng, HYH Lin, YC Chu, CY Chang, YH Lai, ...
EClinicalMedicine 46, 2022
Phonetic posteriorgram-based voice conversion system to improve speech intelligibility of dysarthric patients
WZ Zheng, JY Han, CK Lee, YY Lin, SH Chang, YH Lai
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215, 106602, 2022
SmartHear: A smartphone-based remote microphone hearing assistive system using wireless technologies
YC Lin, YH Lai, HW Chang, Y Tsao, Y Chang, RY Chang
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (1), 20-29, 2015
Measuring the long-term SNRs of static and adaptive compression amplification techniques for speech in noise
YH Lai, PC Li, KS Tsai, WC Chu, ST Young
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 24 (08), 671-683, 2013
A smartphone-based approach to screening for sudden sensorineural hearing loss: cross-sectional validity study
HYH Lin, YC Chu, YH Lai, HL Cheng, F Lai, YF Cheng, WH Liao
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (11), e23047, 2020
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Articles 1–20