Qimiao Si
Qimiao Si
Harry C. and Olga K. Wiess Professor of Physics, Rice University
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Cited by
Quantum criticality in heavy-fermion metals
P Gegenwart, Q Si, F Steglich
nature physics 4 (3), 186-197, 2008
Locally critical quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated metals
Q Si, S Rabello, K Ingersent, JL Smith
Nature 413 (6858), 804-808, 2001
How do Fermi liquids get heavy and die?
P Coleman, C Pépin, Q Si, R Ramazashvili
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (35), R723, 2001
Strong Correlations and Magnetic Frustration in the High Iron Pnictides
Q Si, E Abrahams
Physical Review Letters 101 (7), 076401, 2008
Heavy fermions and quantum phase transitions
Q Si, F Steglich
Science 329 (5996), 1161-1166, 2010
Hall-effect evolution across a heavy-fermion quantum critical point
S Paschen, T Lühmann, S Wirth, P Gegenwart, O Trovarelli, C Geibel, ...
Nature 432 (7019), 881-885, 2004
High-temperature superconductivity in iron pnictides and chalcogenides
Q Si, R Yu, E Abrahams
Nature Reviews Materials 1 (4), 1-15, 2016
Universally Diverging Grüneisen Parameter and the Magnetocaloric Effect Close<? format?> to Quantum Critical Points
L Zhu, M Garst, A Rosch, Q Si
Physical Review Letters 91 (6), 066404, 2003
Understanding quantum phase transitions
L Carr
CRC press, 2010
Time-reversal symmetry-breaking charge order in a kagome superconductor
C Mielke, D Das, JX Yin, H  Liu, R  Gupta, YX  Jiang, M  Medarde, X  Wu, ...
Nature 602 (7896), 245-250, 2022
Comparison of spin dynamics in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− δ and La 2− x Sr x CuO 4: Effects of Fermi-surface geometry
Q Si, Y Zha, K Levin, JP Lu
Physical Review B 47 (14), 9055, 1993
Magnetically driven superconductivity in CeCu2Si2
O Stockert, J Arndt, E Faulhaber, C Geibel, HS Jeevan, S Kirchner, ...
Nature Physics 7 (2), 119-124, 2011
Multiple energy scales at a quantum critical point
P Gegenwart, T Westerkamp, C Krellner, Y Tokiwa, S Paschen, C Geibel, ...
Science 315 (5814), 969-971, 2007
Observation of Temperature-Induced Crossover to an Orbital-Selective<? format?> Mott Phase in A x Fe 2-y Se 2 (A<? format?>=<? format?> K, Rb) Superconductors
M Yi, DH Lu, R Yu, SC Riggs, JH Chu, B Lv, ZK Liu, M Lu, YT Cui, ...
Physical review letters 110 (6), 067003, 2013
Divergence of the Grüneisen ratio at quantum critical points in heavy fermion metals
R Küchler, N Oeschler, P Gegenwart, T Cichorek, K Neumaier, O Tegus, ...
Physical review letters 91 (6), 066405, 2003
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and short range spatial correlations in an extended Hubbard model
Q Si, JL Smith
Physical review letters 77 (16), 3391, 1996
Spatial correlations in dynamical mean-field theory
JL Smith, Q Si
Physical Review B 61 (8), 5184, 2000
Nematic spin correlations in the tetragonal state of uniaxial-strained BaFe2−xNixAs2
X Lu, JT Park, R Zhang, H Luo, AH Nevidomskyy, Q Si, P Dai
Science 345 (6197), 657-660, 2014
Strongly correlated materials
E Morosan, D Natelson, AH Nevidomskyy, Q Si
Advanced Materials 24 (36), 4896-4923, 2012
Quantum phases driven by strong correlations
S Paschen, Q Si
Nature Reviews Physics 3 (1), 9-26, 2021
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Articles 1–20