Atif Rahman
Cited by
Cited by
Association mapping from sequencing reads using k-mers
A Rahman, I Hallgrímsdóttir, M Eisen, L Pachter
Elife 7, e32920, 2018
CGAL: computing genome assembly likelihoods
A Rahman, L Pachter
Genome biology 14, 1-10, 2013
An approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals and transpositions
A Rahman, S Shatabda, M Hasan
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 6 (3), 449-457, 2008
An ensemble learning based approach for impression fraud detection in mobile advertising
CMR Haider, A Iqbal, AH Rahman, MS Rahman
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 112, 126-141, 2018
The genome of the Black Bengal goat (Capra hircus)
AZ Siddiki, A Baten, M Billah, MAU Alam, KSM Shawrob, S Saha, ...
BMC research notes 12, 1-3, 2019
Pancake flipping with two spatulas
M Sharmin, R Yeasmin, M Hasan, A Rahman, MS Rahman
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 231-238, 2010
BayesBeat: Reliable atrial fibrillation detection from noisy photoplethysmography data
SSS Das, SK Shanto, M Rahman, MS Islam, AH Rahman, MM Masud, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2022
Evaluation of classification and forecasting methods on time series gene expression data
NI Tripto, M Kabir, MS Bayzid, A Rahman
Plos one 15 (11), e0241686, 2020
Multiobjective formulation of multiple sequence alignment for phylogeny inference
MA Nayeem, MS Bayzid, AH Rahman, R Shahriyar, MS Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (5), 2775-2786, 2020
Efficient association mapping from k-mers—An application in finding sex-specific sequences
Z Mehrab, J Mobin, IA Tahmid, A Rahman
PLoS One 16 (1), e0245058, 2021
Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Black Bengal goat (Capra hircus)
A Siddiki, M Billah, M Alam, KSM Shawrob, M Kumkum, S Saha, ...
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4 (2), 2121-2122, 2019
Species tree estimation from gene trees by minimizing deep coalescence and maximizing quartet consistency: a comparative study and the presence of pseudo species tree terraces
IT Farah, M Islam, KT Zinat, AH Rahman, S Bayzid
Systematic Biology 70 (6), 1213-1231, 2021
SWALO: scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization
A Rahman, L Pachter
Nucleic Acids Research 49 (20), e117-e117, 2021
Pancake flipping and sorting permutations
M Hasan, A Rahman, MK Rahman, MS Rahman, M Sharmin, R Yeasmin
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 33, 139-149, 2015
A'phylogeny-aware'multi-objective optimization approach for computing MSA
MA Nayeem, MS Bayzid, AH Rahman, R Shahriyar, MS Rahman
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 577-585, 2019
MAlign: Explainable static raw-byte based malware family classification using sequence alignment
S Saha, S Afroz, AH Rahman
Computers & Security 139, 103714, 2024
Phylogenomic terraces: presence and implication in species tree estimation from gene trees
IT Farah, MM Islam, KT Zinat, AH Rahman, MS Bayzid
bioRxiv, 2020.04. 19.048843, 2020
Species Identification Using Partial DNA Sequence: A Machine Learning Approach
T Kabir, AS Shemonti, AH Rahman
2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering …, 2018
On multiple longest common subsequence and common motifs with gaps
SD Sayeed, MS Rahman, A Rahman
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation: 12th International Conference, WALCOM …, 2018
scGIST: gene panel design for spatial transcriptomics with prioritized gene sets
MA Yafi, MHH Hisham, F Grisanti, JF Martin, A Rahman, MAH Samee
Genome Biology 25 (1), 57, 2024
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Articles 1–20