Stacey Archfield
Stacey Archfield
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Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS), with an Application to Chesapeake Bay River Inputs1
RM Hirsch, DL Moyer, SA Archfield
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46 (5), 857-880, 2010
Relations among storage, yield, and instream flow
RM Vogel, J Sieber, SA Archfield, MP Smith, CD Apse, A Huber‐Lee
Water Resources Research 43 (5), 2007
Map correlation method: Selection of a reference streamgage to estimate daily streamflow at ungaged catchments
SA Archfield, RM Vogel
Water resources research 46 (10), 2010
A bootstrap method for estimating uncertainty of water quality trends
RM Hirsch, SA Archfield, LA De Cicco
Environmental Modelling & Software 73, 148-166, 2015
Fragmented patterns of flood change across the United States
SA Archfield, RM Hirsch, A Viglione, G Blöschl
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (19), 10,232-10,239, 2016
Accelerating advances in continental domain hydrologic modeling
SA Archfield, M Clark, B Arheimer, LE Hay, H McMillan, JE Kiang, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (12), 10078-10091, 2015
Effects of climate, regulation, and urbanization on historical flood trends in the United States
GA Hodgkins, RW Dudley, SA Archfield, B Renard
Journal of Hydrology 573, 697-709, 2019
Urban base flow with low impact development
AS Bhaskar, DM Hogan, SA Archfield
Hydrological Processes 30 (18), 3156-3171, 2016
Not higher but more often
RM Hirsch, SA Archfield
Nature Climate Change 5 (3), 198-199, 2015
Global changes in 20‐year, 50‐year, and 100‐year river floods
L Slater, G Villarini, S Archfield, D Faulkner, R Lamb, A Khouakhi, J Yin
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (6), e2020GL091824, 2021
An objective and parsimonious approach for classifying natural flow regimes at a continental scale
SA Archfield, JG Kennen, DM Carlisle, DM Wolock
River Research and Applications 30 (9), 1166-1183, 2014
Causal effect of impervious cover on annual flood magnitude for the United States
AG Blum, PJ Ferraro, SA Archfield, KR Ryberg
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (5), no-no, 2020
Identifying dominant controls on hydrologic parameter transfer from gauged to ungauged catchments–A comparative hydrology approach
R Singh, SA Archfield, T Wagener
Journal of Hydrology 517, 985-996, 2014
On the probability distribution of daily streamflow in the United States
AG Blum, SA Archfield, RM Vogel
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (6), 3093-3103, 2017
Statistical methods in water resources: US Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 4, chap
DR Helsel, RM Hirsch, KR Ryberg, SA Archfield, EJ Gilroy
A3, 2020
Low streamflow trends at human-impacted and reference basins in the United States
RW Dudley, RM Hirsch, SA Archfield, AG Blum, B Renard
Journal of Hydrology 580, 124254, 2020
The Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator: A decision-support tool to assess water availability at ungaged sites in Massachusetts
S Archfield, R Vogel, P Steeves, S Brandt, P Weiskel, S Garabedian
US Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 5227, 2010, 2009
The approaching obsolescence of 137Cs dating of wetland soils in North America
JZ Drexler, CC Fuller, S Archfield
Quaternary Science Reviews 199, 83-96, 2018
Topological and canonical kriging for design flood prediction in ungauged catchments: an improvement over a traditional regional regression approach?
SA Archfield, A Pugliese, A Castellarin, JO Skøien, JE Kiang
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (4), 1575-1588, 2013
Use of flow-normalization to evaluate nutrient concentration and flux changes in Lake Champlain tributaries, 1990–2009
L Medalie, RM Hirsch, SA Archfield
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 58-67, 2012
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Articles 1–20