Bing-Bing Zhou (周兵兵)
Cited by
Cited by
When to use what: Methods for weighting and aggregating sustainability indicators
X Gan, IC Fernandez, J Guo*, M Wilson, Y Zhao, BB Zhou, J Wu
Ecological Indicators 81, 491-502, 2017
“What kind of a science is sustainability science?” An evidence-based reexamination
X Fang, BB Zhou*, X Tu, Q Ma, J Wu*
Sustainability 10 (5), 1-16, 2018
Sustainable landscapes and landscape sustainability: A tale of two concepts
BB Zhou*, J Wu*, JM Anderies
Landscape and Urban Planning 189, 274-284, 2019
吕立刚, 周生路*, 周兵兵, 戴靓, 昌亭, 鲍桂叶, 周华, 李志
地理科学 33 (12), 1442-1449, 2013
Evidence of green space sparing to ecosystem function improvement in urban regions: A case study of China's Ecological Red Line policy
T Hu, J Peng, Y Liu, JS Wu*, W Li, BB Zhou
Journal of Cleaner Production 251, 119678, 2020
Urbanization-associated farmland loss: A macro-micro comparative study in China
BB Zhou, R Aggarwal, J Wu, L Lv*
Land Use Policy 101, 105228, 2021
陈龙, 周生路*, 周兵兵, 吕立刚, 昌亭
经济地理 35 (2), 155-162, 2015
Future land use/land cover change has non-trivial and potentially dominant impact on global gross primary productivity
H Hou, BB Zhou, F Pei, G Hu, Z Su, Y Zeng, H Zhang, Y Gao, M Luo, ...
Earth's Future 10, e2021EF002628, 2022
Entrepreneurship and the formation mechanism of Taobao Villages: Implications for sustainable development in rural areas
Y Zang, S Hu, BB Zhou, L Lv*, X Sui
Journal of Rural Studies 100, 103030, 2023
杨悉廉*, 杨齐祺, 周兵兵, 吕立刚, 王慎敏, 金晓斌, 周寅康
农业工程学报 29 (12), 235-245, 2013
Understanding the dynamics of farmland loss in a rapidly urbanizing region: a problem-driven, diagnostic approach to landscape sustainability
BB Zhou*, L Lv
Landscape Ecology 35, 2471–2486, 2020
贺艳华, 邬建国, 周国华*, 周兵兵
地理学报 75 (4), 736-752, 2020
Spatiotemporal dynamics of global population and heat exposure (2020-2100): Based on improved SSP-consistent population projections
M Li, BB Zhou, M Gao, Y Chen*, M Hao, G Hu, X Li*
Environmental Research Letters 17, 094007, 2022
How to minimize the impacts of urban expansion on farmland loss: developing a few large or many small cities?
G Hu, X Li*, BB Zhou*, Q Ma, X Meng, Y Liu, Y Chen, X Liu
Landscape Ecology 35, 2487–2499, 2020
Population-environment dynamics across world's top 100 urban agglomerations: With implications for transitioning toward global urban sustainability
Y Chen, Z Liu, BB Zhou*
Journal of Environmental Management 319 (1), 115630, 2022
再论可持续性科学: 新形势与新机遇
周兵兵, 马群*, 邬建国, 胡国华, 毛德华, 曾小箕, 郭杰, 房学宁, 刘宇鹏, ...
应用生态学报 30 (1), 325-336, 2019
吕立刚, 隋雪艳, 汪翔, 周兵兵, 孙燕, 李永乐*
人文地理 33 (4), 88-112, 2018
Changes in PM2.5-related health burden in China's poverty and non-poverty areas during 2000–2020: A health inequality perspective
Y Li, B Li*, H Liao, BB Zhou, J Wei, Y Wang, Y Zang, Y Yang, R Liu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 861, 160517, 2023
Enhancing intercity transportation will improve the equitable distribution of high-quality health care in China
H Zhang, BB Zhou, S Liu, G Hu, X Meng, X Liu, H Shi, Y Gao, H Hou, X Li*
Applied Geography 152, 102892, 2023
Spatiotemporal patterns and ecological consequences of a fragmented landscape created by damming
G Hu, M Wilson, BB Zhou*, C Shang, M Yu, J Wu*
PeerJ 9, e11416, 2021
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Articles 1–20