Alina Beygelzimer
Alina Beygelzimer
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Cited by
A reductions approach to fair classification
A Agarwal, A Beygelzimer, M Dudík, J Langford, H Wallach
International conference on machine learning, 60-69, 2018
Cover trees for nearest neighbor
A Beygelzimer, S Kakade, J Langford
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning, 97-104, 2006
Agnostic active learning
MF Balcan, A Beygelzimer, J Langford
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning, 65-72, 2006
Improving reproducibility in machine learning research (a report from the neurips 2019 reproducibility program)
J Pineau, P Vincent-Lamarre, K Sinha, V Larivière, A Beygelzimer, ...
Journal of machine learning research 22 (164), 1-20, 2021
Curran Associates
H Wallach, H Larochelle, A Beygelzimer, F d’Alché-Buc, E Fox, R Garnett
Inc.: Red Hook, NY, USA 32, 8024-8035, 2019
Importance weighted active learning
A Beygelzimer, S Dasgupta, J Langford
Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning …, 2009
Contextual bandit algorithms with supervised learning guarantees
A Beygelzimer, J Langford, L Li, L Reyzin, R Schapire
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2011
Improving network robustness by edge modification
A Beygelzimer, G Grinstein, R Linsker, I Rish
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 357 (3-4), 593-612, 2005
Adaptive diagnosis in distributed systems
I Rish, M Brodie, S Ma, N Odintsova, A Beygelzimer, G Grabarnik, ...
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 16 (5), 1088-1109, 2005
The offset tree for learning with partial labels
A Beygelzimer, J Langford
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2009
Agnostic active learning without constraints
A Beygelzimer, DJ Hsu, J Langford, T Zhang
Advances in neural information processing systems 23, 2010
FNN: fast nearest neighbor search algorithms and applications
A Beygelzimer, S Kakadet, J Langford, S Arya, D Mount, S Li
R package version 1 (1), 1-17, 2013
Error-correcting tournaments
A Beygelzimer, J Langford, P Ravikumar
International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, 247-262, 2009
Error limiting reductions between classification tasks
A Beygelzimer, V Dani, T Hayes, J Langford, B Zadrozny
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning, 49-56, 2005
Advances in neural information processing systems
BK Miller, A Cole, P Forré, G Louppe, C Weniger, M Ranzato, ...
Bengio Y, Schuurmans D, Lafferty J, Williams CK I, editors. Sequential …, 2009
Conditional probability tree estimation analysis and algorithms
A Beygelzimer, J Langford, Y Lifshits, G Sorkin, AL Strehl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.2031, 2014
Sensitive error correcting output codes
J Langford, A Beygelzimer
Learning Theory: 18th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, COLT 2005 …, 2005
Optimal and adaptive algorithms for online boosting
A Beygelzimer, S Kale, H Luo
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2323-2331, 2015
System and methods for using continuous optimization for ordering categorical data sets
A Beygelzimer, C Perng, S Ma, JL Hellerstein
US Patent 6,615,211, 2003
System and method for obtaining network link state information from sequential distance vector routing tables
D Agrawal, A Beygelzimer, BJ Ko, M Srivatsa
US Patent 7,961,642, 2011
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20