Deana Wahyuningrum
Deana Wahyuningrum
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Mechanical strength and ionic conductivity of polymer electrolyte membranes prepared from cellulose acetate-lithium perchlorate
T Sudiarti, D Wahyuningrum, B Bundjali, IM Arcana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 223 (1), 012052, 2017
Preparation of Fe3O4-chitosan hybrid nano-particles used for humic acid adsorption
MA Zulfikar, S Afrita, D Wahyuningrum, M Ledyastuti
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 6, 64-75, 2016
Optimasi pemisahan lignin ampas tebu dengan menggunakan natrium hidroksida
R Setiati, D Wahyuningrum, S Siregar, T Marhaendrajana
Ethos (Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) 4 (2), 257-264, 2016
Penggunaan kitosan untuk pencegahan infeksi Aeromonas hydrophila pada ikan lele dumbo Clarias sp
LJ Sukenda, D Wahjuningrum, A Hasan
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 7 (2), 159-169, 2008
Corrosion inhibition performances of imidazole derivatives-based new ionic liquids on carbon steel in brackish water
M Zunita, D Wahyuningrum, Buchari, B Bundjali, IG Wenten, R Boopathy
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7069, 2020
Preparation and characterization of biopolymer electrolyte membranes based on liclo4-complexed methyl cellulose as lithium-ion battery separator
S Ndruru, D Wahyuningrum, B Bundjali, IM Arcana
J. Eng. Technol. Sci 52 (1), 28-50, 2020
Isolation and characterization of levan from moderate halophilic bacteria Bacillus licheniformis BK AG21
D Wahyuningrum, R Hertadi
Procedia Chemistry 16, 292-298, 2015
Deasetilasi kitin secara bertahap dan pengaruhnya terhadap derajat deasetilasi serta massa molekul kitosan
L Ramadhan, CL Radiman, D Wahyuningrum, V Suendo, LO Ahmad, ...
Jurnal Kimia Indonesia 5 (1), 17-21, 2010
The synthesis of imidazoline derivative compounds as corrosion inhibitor towards carbon steel in 1% NaCl Solution
D Wahyuningrum, S Achmad, YM Syah, B Buchari, B Ariwahjoedi
Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 40 (1), 2008
The performance of 1, 3-dipropyl-2-(2-propoxyphenyl)-4, 5-diphenylimidazolium iodide based ionic liquid for biomass conversion into levulinic acid and formic acid
M Zunita, D Wahyuningrum, B Bundjali, IG Wenten, R Boopathy
Bioresource Technology 315, 123864, 2020
Buchari, Bunbun Bundjali, Bambang Ariwahjoedi
D Wahyuningrum, S Achmad, YM Syah
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci 3, 154, 2008
Green simple microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of cellulose from Theobroma cacao L.(TCL) husk
S Ndruru, D Wahyuningrum, B Bundjali, IM Arcana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 541 (1), 012017, 2019
Peat water treatment using chitosan-silica composite as an adsorbent
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto, D Wahyuningrum, RR Mukti
International Journal of Environmental Research 8 (3), 687-710, 2014
Immobilization of Mucor miehei Lipase onto Macroporous Aminated Polyethersulfone Membrane for Enzymatic Reactions
N Handayani, K Loos, D Wahyuningrum, Buchari, MA Zulfikar
Membranes 2 (2), 198-213, 2012
Conversion of glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, levulinic acid, and formic acid in 1, 3-dibutyl-2-(2-butoxyphenyl)-4, 5-diphenylimidazolium iodide-based ionic liquid
M Zunita, D Wahyuningrum, Buchari, B Bundjali, IG Wenten, R Boopathy
Applied Sciences 11 (3), 989, 2021
Screening and characterization of levan secreted by halophilic bacterium of Halomonas and Chromohalobacter genuses originated from bledug kuwu mud crater
DQ Nasir, D Wahyuningrum, R Hertadi
Procedia Chemistry 16, 272-278, 2015
The Effects of Microwave‐Assisted Pretreatment and Cofermentation on Bioethanol Production from Elephant Grass
SMD Kolo, D Wahyuningrum, R Hertadi
International Journal of Microbiology 2020 (1), 6562730, 2020
Adsorption of lignosulfonate compound from aqueous solution onto chitosan-silica beads
MA Zulfikar, D Wahyuningrum, S Lestari
Separation Science and Technology 48 (9), 1391-1401, 2013
Investigation of corrosion inhibition activity of 3-butyl-2, 4, 5-triphenylimidazole and 3-butyl-2-(2-butoxyphenyl)-4, 5-diphenylimidazole toward carbon steel in 1% NaCl solution
M Zunita, D Wahyuningrum, B Bundjali
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7 (4), 3274-3288, 2012
Synthesis and characterization of polyelectrolyte complex N-succinylchitosan-chitosan for proton exchange membranes
L Ramadhan, CL Radiman, V Suendo, D Wahyuningrum, S Valiyaveettil
Procedia Chemistry 4, 114-122, 2012
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Articles 1–20