Robert E Kennedy
Robert E Kennedy
boston university, oregon state university
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Cited by
Landsat-8: Science and product vision for terrestrial global change research
DP Roy, MA Wulder, TR Loveland, CE Woodcock, RG Allen, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 145, 154-172, 2014
Detecting trends in forest disturbance and recovery using yearly Landsat time series: 1. LandTrendr—Temporal segmentation algorithms
RE Kennedy, Z Yang, WB Cohen
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (12), 2897-2910, 2010
Current status of Landsat program, science, and applications
MA Wulder, TR Loveland, DP Roy, CJ Crawford, JG Masek, ...
Remote sensing of environment 225, 127-147, 2019
Relationships between leaf area index and Landsat TM spectral vegetation indices across three temperate zone sites
DP Turner, WB Cohen, RE Kennedy, KS Fassnacht, JM Briggs
Remote sensing of environment 70 (1), 52-68, 1999
Detecting trends in forest disturbance and recovery using yearly Landsat time series: 2. TimeSync—Tools for calibration and validation
WB Cohen, Z Yang, R Kennedy
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (12), 2911-2924, 2010
Quantification of live aboveground forest biomass dynamics with Landsat time-series and field inventory data: A comparison of empirical modeling approaches
SL Powell, WB Cohen, SP Healey, RE Kennedy, GG Moisen, KB Pierce, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (5), 1053-1068, 2010
Trajectory-based change detection for automated characterization of forest disturbance dynamics
RE Kennedy, WB Cohen, TA Schroeder
Remote sensing of environment 110 (3), 370-386, 2007
Implementation of the LandTrendr algorithm on google earth engine
RE Kennedy, Z Yang, N Gorelick, J Braaten, L Cavalcante, WB Cohen, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (5), 691, 2018
Remote sensing change detection tools for natural resource managers: Understanding concepts and tradeoffs in the design of landscape monitoring projects
RE Kennedy, PA Townsend, JE Gross, WB Cohen, P Bolstad, YQ Wang, ...
Remote sensing of environment 113 (7), 1382-1396, 2009
Bringing an ecological view of change to Landsat‐based remote sensing
RE Kennedy, S Andréfouët, WB Cohen, C Gómez, P Griffiths, M Hais, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (6), 339-346, 2014
Hyperspectral versus multispectral data for estimating leaf area index in four different biomes
KS Lee, WB Cohen, RE Kennedy, TK Maiersperger, ST Gower
Remote Sensing of Environment 91 (3-4), 508-520, 2004
Spatial and temporal patterns of forest disturbance and regrowth within the area of the Northwest Forest Plan
RE Kennedy, Z Yang, WB Cohen, E Pfaff, J Braaten, P Nelson
Remote Sensing of Environment 122, 117-133, 2012
Land cover mapping in an agricultural setting using multiseasonal Thematic Mapper data
DR Oetter, WB Cohen, M Berterretche, TK Maiersperger, RE Kennedy
Remote sensing of environment 76 (2), 139-155, 2001
Using Landsat-derived disturbance history (1972–2010) to predict current forest structure
D Pflugmacher, WB Cohen, RE Kennedy
Remote Sensing of Environment 122, 146-165, 2012
A LandTrendr multispectral ensemble for forest disturbance detection
WB Cohen, Z Yang, SP Healey, RE Kennedy, N Gorelick
Remote sensing of environment 205, 131-140, 2018
A Landsat time series approach to characterize bark beetle and defoliator impacts on tree mortality and surface fuels in conifer forests
GW Meigs, RE Kennedy, WB Cohen
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), 3707-3718, 2011
Mapping forest change using stacked generalization: An ensemble approach
SP Healey, WB Cohen, Z Yang, CK Brewer, EB Brooks, N Gorelick, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 717-728, 2018
Global satellite monitoring of climate-induced vegetation disturbances
NG McDowell, NC Coops, PSA Beck, JQ Chambers, C Gangodagamage, ...
Trends in plant science 20 (2), 114-123, 2015
Using Landsat-derived disturbance and recovery history and lidar to map forest biomass dynamics
D Pflugmacher, WB Cohen, RE Kennedy, Z Yang
Remote Sensing of Environment 151, 124-137, 2014
Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (1985–2010)
MJ Reilly, CJ Dunn, GW Meigs, TA Spies, RE Kennedy, JD Bailey, ...
Ecosphere 8 (3), e01695, 2017
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Articles 1–20