Kim-Ming Lee
Kim-Ming Lee
UOW College Hong Kong (formerly known as Community College of City University, HK
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Citizenship, economy and social exclusion of mainland Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong
K Law, K Lee
Journal of Contemporary Asia 36 (2), 217-242, 2006
The myth of multiculturalism in ‘Asia's world city’: Incomprehensive policies for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong
KY Law, K Lee
Journal of Asian Public Policy 5 (1), 117-134, 2012
Social polarisation and poverty in the global city: The case of Hong Kong
K Lee, H Wong, K Law
China report 43 (1), 1-30, 2007
Socio-political embeddings of South Asian ethnic minorities' economic situations in Hong Kong
KY Law, KM Lee
Journal of Contemporary China 22 (84), 984-1005, 2013
Using defamilisation typologies to study the Confucian welfare regime
S Yu, CM Chau, KM Lee
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 31 (1), 74-93, 2015
Marginalized workers in postindustrial Hong Kong
KM Lee, H Wong
The Journal of Comparative Asian Development 3 (2), 249-280, 2004
Importing Western values versus indigenization: Social work practice with ethnic minorities in Hong Kong
K Law, K Lee
International Social Work 59 (1), 60-72, 2016
Hong Kong Chinese “Orientalism”: Discourse Reflections on Studying Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong
KM Lee, KY Law
Ethnic Minorities: Perceptions, Cultural Barriers and Health Inequalities …, 2016
Locating globalization: the changing role of the city-state in post-handover Hong Kong
N Pun, K Lee
China Review, 1-28, 2002
Financialization, economic crises and social protection: the case of Hong Kong
KM Lee, CY Cheng
Journal of Asian Public Policy 4 (1), 18-41, 2011
Immigration controls, life-course coordination, and livelihood strategies: a study of families living across the mainland-Hong Kong border
HC Leung, KM Lee
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 26, 487-507, 2005
Financialization and economic inequality in Hong Kong: The cost of the finance-led growth regime
KM Lee, BHP To, KM Yu
Hong Kong 20 years after the handover: Emerging social and institutional …, 2018
The flexibility of the Hong Kong manufacturing sector
KM Lee
China Information 12 (1-2), 189-214, 1997
The New Paradox of Thrift. Financialisation, retirement protection, and income polarisation in Hong Kong
KM Lee, BHP To, KM Yu
China Perspectives 2014 (2014/1), 15-24, 2014
Flexible manufacturing in a colonial economy
KM Lee
Hong Kong's History, 162-179, 2002
A Prolegomenon to the Study of the Role of Rhetoric in the Garbage-Can Policy Process: The case of Hong Kong's positive non-interventionism
K Lee, JW Yue
International Journal of Public Administration 24 (9), 887-907, 2001
Implementation problems in the development of urban community services in the People's Republic of China: the case of Beijing
AKC Yeung, KK Fung, KM Lee
Journal of sociology and social welfare 26, 151-172, 1999
Multicultural social work practice and South Asian migrants in Hong Kong
K Kwok, K Lee, K Law
China Journal of Social Work 11 (1), 56-72, 2018
The cultural logic of Chinese transnationalism: Malaysian-Chinese students in Guangzhou
K Law, K Lee
Intercultural Communication Studies 15 (1), 143, 2006
Trap, Exclusion and Future: A Qualitative Study of Marginal Workers in Hong Kong
W Hung, KM Lee
Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong.(in Chinese), 2001
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