Natalia Candelo Londono
Natalia Candelo Londono
Economics, Queens College CUNY
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Cited by
Social distance matters in dictator games: Evidence from 11 Mexican villages
N Candelo, C Eckel, C Johnson
Games 9 (4), 77, 2018
Identity and social exclusion: an experiment with Hispanic immigrants in the U.S.
N Candelo, RTA Croson, SX Li
Experimental Economics, 2016
Methodological steps of an experimental design for measuring social capital and collective action in Six Latin American cities
N Candelo, S Polanía
Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Developoment Bank, Research …, 2007
Discrimination in the provision of social services to the poor: a field experimental study
JC Cárdenas, N Candelo, A Gaviria, S Polanía, R Sethi
Worthiness versus self‐interest in charitable giving: Evidence from a low‐income, minority neighborhood
N Candelo, ACM de Oliveira, C Eckel
Southern Economic Journal 85 (4), 1196-1216, 2019
How to Tame Lab-in-the-Field Experiments
C Eckel, N Candelo
The Handbook of Experimental Political Science, 2020
To What Extent Do Latin Americans Trust and Cooperate? Field Experments on Social Exclusion in Six Latin American Countries
S Calonico, N Candelo, JC Cardenas, A Chong, H Nopo, S Polania
Outsiders, 123-148, 2007
The proposer’s behavior in the ultimatum game in 11 Mexican villages
N Candelo, C Eckel, C Johnson
Economics Letters 177, 5-8, 2019
El desafío intertemporal del ahorro voluntario en pensiones: un análisis microeconómico desde la teoría del comportamiento
NC Londoño
Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2006
The 2D: 4D ratio does not always correlate with economic behavior: A field experiment with African-Americans
N Candelo, C Eckel
Economics & Human Biology 30, 172-181, 2018
Transmission of information within transnational social networks: a field experiment
N Candelo, RTA Croson, C Eckel
Experimental Economics 21, 905-923, 2018
Endogenous Formation of Dark Networks: Theory and Experiment
N Candelo, S Forbes, S Martin, M McBride, B Allison
Working Paper, 2014
Trust among the poor: African Americans trust their neighbors, but are less trusting of public officials
N Candelo, ACM de Oliveira, C Eckel
Public Choice 196 (3), 427-452, 2023
Energy Reform and Local Content in Mexico: Effects in the Mining Sector
GAM Asali, M Walter, R Espinasa
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Field Experiments in Decision-making by Current and Potential Immigrants
NC Londono
University of Texas at Dallas, 2012
Economic Experiments to Measure Trust and Cooperation among Latin America
N Candelo
Inter-American Development Bank, 0
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Articles 1–16