Laura Chasmer
Cited by
Cited by
Assessing forest metrics with a ground-based scanning lidar
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, C Young-Pow, P Treitz
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (3), 573-583, 2004
Testing LiDAR models of fractional cover across multiple forest ecozones
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (1), 275-288, 2009
Wildfire as a major driver of recent permafrost thaw in boreal peatlands
CM Gibson, LE Chasmer, DK Thompson, WL Quinton, MD Flannigan, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3041, 2018
Forests on thawing permafrost: fragmentation, edge effects, and net forest loss
JL Baltzer, T Veness, LE Chasmer, AE Sniderhan, WL Quinton
Global Change Biology 20 (3), 824-834, 2014
Permafrost‐thaw‐induced land‐cover change in the Canadian subarctic: Implications for water resources
WL Quinton, M Hayashi, LE Chasmer
Hydrological processes 25 (1), 152-158, 2011
Vegetation class dependent errors in lidar ground elevation and canopy height estimates in a boreal wetland environment
C Hopkinson, LE Chasmer, G Sass, IF Creed, M Sitar, W Kalbfleisch, ...
Canadian journal of remote sensing 31 (2), 191-206, 2005
On promoting the use of lidar systems in forest ecosystem research
M Beland, G Parker, B Sparrow, D Harding, L Chasmer, S Phinn, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 450, 117484, 2019
Investigating laser pulse penetration through a conifer canopy by integrating airborne and terrestrial lidar
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, P Treitz
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (2), 116-125, 2006
The uncertainty in conifer plantation growth prediction from multi-temporal lidar datasets
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, RJ Hall
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 1168-1180, 2008
Remote sensing of photosynthetic light-use efficiency across two forested biomes: Spatial scaling
T Hilker, FG Hall, NC Coops, A Lyapustin, Y Wang, Z Nesic, N Grant, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (12), 2863-2874, 2010
Mapping snowpack depth beneath forest canopies using airborne lidar
C Hopkinson, M Sitar, L Chasmer, P Treitz
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70 (3), 323-330, 2004
Peatland hydrology of discontinuous permafrost in the Northwest Territories: overview and synthesis
WL Quinton, M Hayashi, LE Chasmer
Canadian Water Resources Journal 34 (4), 311-328, 2009
Influence of vegetation structure on lidar-derived canopy height and fractional cover in forested riparian buffers during leaf-off and leaf-on conditions
L Wasser, R Day, L Chasmer, A Taylor
PLoS One 8 (1), e54776, 2013
Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data.
SO Los, J Rosette, N Kljun, PRJ North, L Chasmer, J Suárez, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 5, 413-432, 2012
A decision-tree classification for low-lying complex land cover types within the zone of discontinuous permafrost
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, T Veness, W Quinton, J Baltzer
Remote Sensing of Environment 143, 73-84, 2014
Examining the influence of changing laser pulse repetition frequencies on conifer forest canopy returns
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, B Smith, P Treitz
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72 (12), 1359-1367, 2006
Towards a universal lidar canopy height indicator
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, K Lim, P Treitz, I Creed
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (2), 139-152, 2006
Integrating terrestrial and airborne lidar to calibrate a 3D canopy model of effective leaf area index
C Hopkinson, J Lovell, L Chasmer, D Jupp, N Kljun, E van Gorsel
Remote Sensing of Environment 136, 301-314, 2013
Multisensor and multispectral LiDAR characterization and classification of a forest environment
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, C Gynan, C Mahoney, M Sitar
Canadian journal of remote sensing 42 (5), 501-520, 2016
Peatland-fire interactions: A review of wildland fire feedbacks and interactions in Canadian boreal peatlands
K Nelson, D Thompson, C Hopkinson, R Petrone, L Chasmer
Science of the total environment 769, 145212, 2021
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Articles 1–20