Thales Sehn Körting
Thales Sehn Körting
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
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C4. 5 algorithm and multivariate decision trees
TS Korting
Image processing division, national institute for space research–INPE Sao …, 2006
GeoDMA - Geographic Data Mining Analyst: A framework for GIScience
TS Korting, LMG Fonseca, G Câmara
Computers & Geosciences 57, 133-145, 2013
Land-cover classification of an intra-urban environment using high-resolution images and object-based image analysis
CMD de Pinho, LMG Fonseca, TS Korting, CM De Almeida, HJH Kux
International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (19), 5973-5995, 2012
Detailed agricultural land classification in the Brazilian cerrado based on phenological information from dense satellite image time series
H do Nascimento Bendini, LMG Fonseca, M Schwieder, TS Körting, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 82, 101872, 2019
Earth observation data cubes for Brazil: Requirements, methodology and products
KR Ferreira, GR Queiroz, L Vinhas, RFB Marujo, REO Simoes, MCA Picoli, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4033, 2020
Spatio-temporal deep learning approach to map deforestation in amazon rainforest
RV Maretto, LMG Fonseca, N Jacobs, TS Körting, HN Bendini, LL Parente
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18 (5), 771-775, 2020
GeoDMA-A novel system for spatial data mining
TS Korting, LMG Fonseca, MIS Escada, FC da Silva, MP dos Santos Silva
2008 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 975-978, 2008
Dynamics of savanna clearing and land degradation in the newest agricultural frontier in Brazil
A Almeida de Souza, LS Galvão, TS Korting, JD Prieto
GIScience & Remote Sensing 57 (7), 965-984, 2020
Assessment of TerraClass and MapBiomas data on legend and map agreement for the Brazilian Amazon biome
AK Neves, TS Körting, LMG Fonseca, MIS Escada
Acta Amazonica 50 (2), 170-182, 2020
A spatio-temporal Bayesian Network approach for deforestation prediction in an Amazon rainforest expansion frontier
ACO Silva, LMG Fonseca, TS Körting, MIS Escada
Spatial statistics 35, 100393, 2020
Pattern recognition and remote sensing techniques applied to land use and land cover mapping in the Brazilian Savannah
LMG Fonseca, TS Körting, HN Bendini, CD Girolamo-Neto, AK Neves, ...
Pattern recognition letters 148, 54-60, 2021
Efeitos da mudança de escala em padrões de desmatamento na Amazônia
ÉA Saito, LMG Fonseca, MIS Escada, TS Korting
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia 63 (3), 2011
Water body extraction from Rapideye images: An automated methodology based on hue component of color transformation from RGB to HSV model
LM Namikawa, TS Körting, EF Castejon
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia 68 (6), 1097-1111, 2016
Environmental drivers of water use for caatinga woody plant species: combining remote sensing phenology and sap flow measurements
RA Paloschi, DM Ramos, DJ Ventura, R Souza, E Souza, LPC Morellato, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (1), 75, 2020
Using Landsat 8 image time series for crop mapping in a region of Cerrado, Brazil
H Bendini, ID Sanches, TS Körting, LMG Fonseca, AJB Luiz, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
The 2020 Brazilian pantanal fires
MAJS Pletsch, CHL Silva Junior, TV Penha, TS Körting, MES Silva, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93, e20210077, 2021
A resegmentation approach for detecting rectangular objects in high-resolution imagery
TS Korting, LV Dutra, LMG Fonseca
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 8 (4), 621-625, 2011
The divide and segment method for parallel image segmentation
TS Körting, EF Castejon, LMG Fonseca
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 15th International …, 2013
Landslide scars detection using remote sensing and pattern recognition techniques: comparison among artificial neural networks, gaussian maximum likelihood, random forest, and …
TDT Uehara, SPLP Corrêa, RP Quevedo, TS Körting, LV Dutra, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia 72 (4), 665-680, 2020
Assessment of Texture Features for Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) Detection in Sugarcane Plantations
CD Girolamo-Neto, IDA Sanches, AK Neves, VHR Prudente, TS Körting, ...
Drones 3 (2), 36, 2019
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Articles 1–20