Glenn C. Blomquist
Glenn C. Blomquist
Professor of Economics and Public Policy Emeritus, University of Kentucky
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New estimates of quality of life in urban areas
GC Blomquist, MC Berger, JP Hoehn
The American Economic Review, 89-107, 1988
Eliciting willingness to pay without bias: evidence from a field experiment
K Blumenschein, GC Blomquist, M Johannesson, N Horn, P Freeman
The Economic Journal 118 (525), 114-137, 2008
Contingent valuation when respondents are ambivalent
RC Ready, JC Whitehead, GC Blomquist
Journal of environmental economics and management 29 (2), 181-196, 1995
Value of life saving: implications of consumption activity
G Blomquist
Journal of Political Economy 87 (3), 540-558, 1979
Resource quality information and validity of willingness to pay in contingent valuation
GC Blomquist, JC Whitehead
Resource and Energy Economics 20 (2), 179-196, 1998
Experimental results on expressed certainty and hypothetical bias in contingent valuation
K Blumenschein, M Johannesson, GC Blomquist, B Liljas, RM O'Conor
Southern Economic Journal 65 (1), 169-177, 1998
Valuing changes in health risks: a comparison of alternative measures
MC Berger, GC Blomquist, D Kenkel, GS Tolley
Southern Economic Journal, 967-984, 1987
A hedonic model of interregional wages, rents, and amenity values
JP Hoehn, MC Berger, GC Blomquist
Journal of Regional Science 27 (4), 605-620, 1987
Testing for non-response and sample selection bias in contingent valuation: analysis of a combination phone/mail survey
JC Whitehead, PA Groothuis, GC Blomquist
Economics letters 41 (2), 215-220, 1993
Hedonic prices, demands for urban housing amenities, and benefit estimates
G Blomquist, L Worley
Journal of Urban Economics 9 (2), 212-221, 1981
Measuring amenity benefits from farmland: Hedonic pricing vs. contingent valuation
RC Ready, MC Berger, GC Blomquist
Growth and Change 28 (4), 438-458, 1997
Compensating differentials in emerging labor and housing markets: Estimates of quality of life in Russian cities
MC Berger, GC Blomquist, KS Peter
Journal of Urban Economics 63 (1), 25-55, 2008
Measuring contingent values for wetlands: effects of information about related environmental goods
JC Whitehead, GC Blomquist
Water resources research 27 (10), 2523-2531, 1991
The costs of highway crashes.
T Miller, J Viner, S Rossman, N Pindus, W Gellert, J Douglass, ...
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 1991
Self-protection and averting behavior, values of statistical lives, and benefit cost analysis of environmental policy
GC Blomquist
Review of Economics of the Household 2, 89-110, 2004
Assessing the validity and reliability of contingent values: a comparison of on-site users, off-site users, and non-users
JC Whitehead, GC Blomquist, TJ Hoban, WB Clifford
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29 (2), 238-251, 1995
Calibrating hypothetical willingness to pay responses
M Johannesson, GC Blomquist, K Blumenschein, PO Johansson, B Liljas, ...
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 18, 21-32, 1999
Valuing the arts: A contingent valuation approach
E Thompson, M Berger, G Blomquist, S Allen
Journal of Cultural Economics 26, 87-113, 2002
Mobility and destination in migration decisions: The roles of earnings, quality of life, and housing prices
MC Berger, GC Blomquist
Journal of Housing Economics 2 (1), 37-59, 1992
Eliciting willingness to pay without bias using follow-up certainty statements: comparisons between probably/definitely and a 10-point certainty scale
GC Blomquist, K Blumenschein, M Johannesson
Environmental and Resource Economics 43, 473-502, 2009
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