David B. Doman
David B. Doman
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Control-oriented modeling of an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle
JT Parker, A Serrani, S Yurkovich, MA Bolender, DB Doman
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 30 (3), 856-869, 2007
Nonlinear longitudinal dynamical model of an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle
MA Bolender, DB Doman
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 44 (2), 374-387, 2007
Nonlinear robust adaptive control of flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicles
L Fiorentini, A Serrani, MA Bolender, DB Doman
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 32 (2), 402-417, 2009
Robust linear output feedback control of an airbreathing hypersonic vehicle
DO Sigthorsson, P Jankovsky, A Serrani, S Yurkovich, MA Bolender, ...
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 31 (4), 1052-1066, 2008
Control allocation for over-actuated systems
MW Oppenheimer, DB Doman, MA Bolender
2006 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1-6, 2006
A non-linear model for the longitudinal dynamics of a hypersonic air-breathing vehicle
M Bolender, D Doman
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 6255, 2005
Adaptive terminal guidance for hypervelocity impact in specified direction
P Lu, DB Doman, JD Schierman
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 29 (2), 269-278, 2006
Reference command tracking for a linearized model of an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle
K Groves, D Sigthorsson, A Serrani, S Yurkovich, M Bolender, D Doman
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 6144, 2005
An aerothermal flexible mode analysis of a hypersonic vehicle
T Williams, M Bolender, D Doman, O Morataya
AIAA atmospheric flight mechanics conference and exhibit, 6647, 2006
Wingbeat shape modulation for flapping-wing micro-air-vehicle control during hover
DB Doman, MW Oppenheimer, DO Sigthorsson
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 33 (3), 724-739, 2010
Integrated adaptive guidance and control for re-entry vehicles with flight test results
JD Schierman, DG Ward, JR Hull, N Gandhi, M Oppenheimer, DB Doman
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 27 (6), 975-988, 2004
Dynamic inversion-based adaptive/reconfigurable control of the X-33 on ascent
DB Doman, AD Ngo
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 25 (2), 275-284, 2002
Model-predictive dynamic control allocation scheme for reentry vehicles
Y Luo, A Serrani, S Yurkovich, MW Oppenheimer, DB Doman
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 30 (1), 100-113, 2007
Nonlinear robust/adaptive controller design for an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle model
L Fiorentini, A Serrani, M Bolender, D Doman
AIAA guidance, navigation and control conference and exhibit, 6329, 2007
Model predictive dynamic control allocation with actuator dynamics
Y Luo, A Serrani, S Yurkovich, DB Doman, MW Oppenheimer
Proceedings of the 2004 American control conference 2, 1695-1700, 2004
Optimal nonlinear feedback guidance for reentry vehicles
K Bollino, M Ross, D Doman
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 6074, 2006
Dynamics and control of a minimally actuated biomimetic vehicle: Part i-aerodynamic model
D Doman, M Oppenheimer, D Sigthorsson
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference, 6160, 2009
Nonlinear control allocation using piecewise linear functions
MA Bolender, DB Doman
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 27 (6), 1017-1027, 2004
Approximate feedback linearization of an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle
J Parker, A Serrani, S Yurkovich, M Bolender, D Doman
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 6556, 2006
Dynamics and control of a biomimetic vehicle using biased wingbeat forcing functions
MW Oppenheimer, DB Doman, DO Sigthorsson
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 34 (1), 204-217, 2011
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