A Eliens
A Eliens
professor creative technology / new media
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Cited by
Breaking Down Usability.
M Van Welie, GC Van Der Veer, A Eliëns
Interact, 613-620, 1999
Principles of Object-Oriented Software Development with Cdrom
A Eliëns
Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 2000
Patterns as tools for user interface design
M Van Welie, GC Van Der Veer, A Eliëns
Tools for Working with Guidelines: Annual Meeting of the Special Interest …, 2001
An ontology for task world models
M Van Welie, GC Van der Veer, A Eliëns
Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems’ 98 …, 1998
Realism is not all! User engagement with task-related interface characters
HC van Vugt, EA Konijn, JF Hoorn, I Keur, A Eliéns
Interacting with Computers 19 (2), 267-280, 2007
STEP: a scripting language for embodied agents
Z Huang, A Eliëns, C Visser
Life-Like Characters: Tools, Affective Functions, and Applications, 87-109, 2004
Implementation of a scripting language for VRML/X3D-based embodied agents
Z Huang, A Eliëns, C Visser
Proceedings of the eighth international conference on 3D Web technology, 91-100, 2003
DLP: a language for distributed logic programming: design, semantics, and implementation
A Eliëns
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992
Euterpe-Tool support for analyzing cooperative environments
M Van Welie, GC Van Der Veer, A Eliëns
Ninth European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 25-30, 1998
Navigation by query in virtual worlds
A van Ballegooij, A Eliëns
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on 3D Web technology, 77-83, 2001
3D agent-based virtual communities
Z Huang, A Eliëns, C Visser
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on 3D Web technology …, 2002
A taxonomy of web agents
Z Huang, A Eliëns, A van Ballegooij, P De Bra
Proceedings 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2000
A platform for embodied conversational agents based on distributed logic programming
A Eliëns, Z Huang, C Visser
Proceedings of AAMAS 2002 WORKSHOP: Embodied conversational agents-let’s …, 2002
XSTEP: A Markup Language for Embodied Agents.
Z Huang, A Eliëns, CT Visser
CASA, 105-110, 2003
Engineering social awareness in work environments
D Vyas, MR Van De Watering, A Eliëns, GC Van Der Veer
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient Interaction: 4th …, 2007
Agents with character: Evaluation of empathic agents in digital dossiers
J Hoorn, A Eliëns, Z Huang, HC van Vugt, EA Konijn, CT Visser
Emphatic Agents, AAMAS, 2004
Being social@ work: Designing for playfully mediated social awareness in work environments
A Venkatesh, T Gonsalves, A Monk, K Buckner, D Vyas, ...
Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for The Next Billion: Proceedings of …, 2007
3D Gadgets for Business Process Visualization: a case study.
SPC Schonhage, A van Ballegooij, APW Eliëns
VRML/Web 3D-2000 Conference, Monterey CA, Febr 2000, 2000
A flexible architecture for user-adaptable visualization
B Schönhage, A Eliëns
Proceedings of the 1997 workshop on New paradigms in information …, 1997
Clima Futura@ VU--communicating (unconvenient) science.
A Eliëns, MR van de Watering, HC Huurdeman, W Bhikharie, H Lemmers, ...
GAMEON, 125-129, 2007
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Articles 1–20