Mark N Grote
Mark N Grote
Senior Statistician, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Davis
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Testing hypotheses for the success of different conservation strategies
JS Brooks, MA Franzen, CM Holmes, MN Grote, MB Mulder
Conservation biology 20 (5), 1528-1538, 2006
Relative predispositional effects of HLA class II DRB1‐DQB1 haplotypes and genotypes on type 1 diabetes: a meta‐analysis
G Thomson, AM Valdes, JA Noble, I Kockum, MN Grote, J Najman, ...
Tissue antigens 70 (2), 110-127, 2007
Ideal free settlement of California’s northern Channel Islands
B Winterhalder, DJ Kennett, MN Grote, J Bartruff
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (4), 469-490, 2010
Discordant patterns of linkage disequilibrium of the peptide-transporter loci within the HLA class II region.
W Klitz, JC Stephens, M Grote, M Carrington
American journal of human genetics 57 (6), 1436, 1995
Parallel altitudinal clines reveal trends in adaptive evolution of genome size in Zea mays
P Bilinski, PS Albert, JJ Berg, JA Birchler, MN Grote, A Lorant, J Quezada, ...
PLoS genetics 14 (5), e1007162, 2018
Changes in human skull morphology across the agricultural transition are consistent with softer diets in preindustrial farming groups
DC Katz, MN Grote, TD Weaver
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 9050-9055, 2017
Genetic Analysis of Complex Diseases
A Long, M Grote, C Langley
Science 275 (5304), 1328, 1997
Visceral fat obesity and morbidity: NIDDM and atherogenic risk in Japanese-American men and women
WY Fujimoto
Int J Obes 15, 41-44, 1991
Household livelihoods and conflict with wildlife in community-based conservation areas across northern Tanzania
J Salerno, MB Mulder, MN Grote, M Ghiselli, C Packer
Oryx 50 (4), 702-712, 2016
Time wears on: Assessing how bone wears using 3D surface texture analysis
NL Martisius, I Sidéra, MN Grote, TE Steele, SP McPherron, ...
PLoS One 13 (11), e0206078, 2018
Non-destructive ZooMS identification reveals strategic bone tool raw material selection by Neandertals
NL Martisius, F Welker, T Dogandžić, MN Grote, W Rendu, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7746, 2020
Reproductive tactics influence cortisol levels in individual male gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena)
ME Arlet, MN Grote, F Molleman, LA Isbell, JR Carey
Hormones and Behavior 55 (1), 210-216, 2009
Marginal value theorem, patch choice, and human foraging response in varying environments
RL Bettinger, MN Grote
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 42, 79-87, 2016
A mixed model for the relationship between climate and human cranial form
DC Katz, MN Grote, TD Weaver
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160 (4), 593-603, 2016
Estimating age from adult occlusal wear: a modification of the miles method
CC Gilmore, MN Grote
American journal of physical anthropology 149 (2), 181-192, 2012
Cultural macroevolution on neighbor graphs: vertical and horizontal transmission among Western North American Indian societies
MC Towner, MN Grote, J Venti, M Borgerhoff Mulder
Human Nature 23, 283-305, 2012
Effects on household labor of temporary out-migration by male household heads in Nicaragua and Peru: an analysis of spot-check time allocation data using mixed-effects models
JM Koster, MN Grote, B Winterhalder
Human Ecology 41, 221-237, 2013
Offspring of primiparous mothers do not experience greater mortality or poorer growth: Revisiting the conventional wisdom with archival records of Rhesus Macaques
CL Nuñez, MN Grote, M Wechsler, CR Allen‐Blevins, K Hinde
American journal of primatology 77 (9), 963-973, 2015
Increased terrestriality in a Neotropical primate living on islands with reduced predation risk
CM Monteza-Moreno, MC Crofoot, MN Grote, PA Jansen
Journal of human evolution 143, 102768, 2020
Bayesian nitrate source apportionment to individual groundwater wells in the Central Valley by use of elemental and isotopic tracers
KM Ransom, MN Grote, A Deinhart, G Eppich, C Kendall, ME Sanborn, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (7), 5577–5597, 2016
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Articles 1–20