Robert Bailey
Robert Bailey
Professor, Ontario Tech University
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Biological guidelines for freshwater sediment based on BEnthic Assessment of SedimenT (the BEAST) using a multivariate approach for predicting biological state
TB Reynoldson, RC Bailey, KE Day, RH Norris
Australian journal of ecology 20 (1), 198-219, 1995
Taxonomic resolution of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in bioassessments
RC Bailey, RH Norris, TB Reynoldson
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20 (2), 280-286, 2001
A new, old method for assessing measurement error in both univariate and multivariate morphometric studies
RC Bailey, J Byrnes
Systematic zoology 39 (2), 124-130, 1990
Does taxonomic resolution affect the multivariate description of the structure of freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate communities?
MF Bowman, RC Bailey
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 (8), 1802-1807, 1997
Biological assessment of freshwater ecosystems using a reference condition approach: comparing predicted and actual benthic invertebrate communities in Yukon streams
RC Bailey, MG Kennedy, MZ Dervish, ARM Taylor
Freshwater Biology 39 (4), 765-774, 1998
Relationship between riparian vegetation and stream benthic communities at three spatial scales
SL Rios, RC Bailey
Hydrobiologia 553, 153-160, 2006
Temporal variability of stream bioassessments using benthic macroinvertebrates
S Linke, RC Bailey, J Schwindt
Freshwater Biology 42 (3), 575-584, 1999
Management options for river conservation planning: condition and conservation re‐visited
S Linke, RL Pressey, RC Bailey, RH Norris
Freshwater Biology 52 (5), 918-938, 2007
Predation of zebra mussels by diving ducks: an exclosure study
DJ Hamilton, CD Ankney, RC Bailey
Ecology 75 (2), 521-531, 1994
Organization of macroinvertebrate communities at a hierarchy of spatial scales in a tropical stream
L Boyero, RC Bailey
Hydrobiologia 464, 219-225, 2001
Increasing mallards, decreasing American black ducks: coincidence or cause and effect?
CD Ankney, DG Dennis, RC Bailey
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 523-529, 1987
Growth of Lampsilis radiata (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Sand and Mud: A Reciprocal Transplant Experiment
SG Hinch, RC Bailey, RH Green
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43 (3), 548-552, 1986
The ecology of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the lower Great Lakes of North America: I. Population dynamics and growth
ME Chase, RC Bailey
Journal of Great Lakes Research 25 (1), 107-121, 1999
Effectiveness of best management practices in improving stream ecosystem quality
AG Yates, RC Bailey, JA Schwindt
Hydrobiologia 583, 331-344, 2007
Variation in the mating system and associated parental behaviour of captive and free-living Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (Pisces, Cichlidae)
MHA Keenleyside, RC Bailey, VH Young
Behaviour 112 (3-4), 202-220, 1990
Within-basin variation in the shell morphology and growth rate of a freshwater mussel
RC Bailey, RH Green
Canadian Journal of Zoology 66 (7), 1704-1708, 1988
Measurement error of external and skeletal variables in birds and its effect on principal components
SC Lougheed, TW Arnold, RC Bailey
The Auk 108 (2), 432-436, 1991
Covarying patterns of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages along natural and human activity gradients: implications for bioassessment
AG Yates, RC Bailey
Hydrobiologia 637, 87-100, 2010
Within- and among-lake variation in shell morphology of the freshwater clam Elliptio complanata (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from south-central Ontario lakes
SG Hinch, RC Bailey
Hydrobiologia 157, 27-32, 1988
Dreissenidae in Lake Ontario: impact assessment at the whole lake and Bay of Quinte spatial scales
RC Bailey, L Grapentine, TJ Stewart, T Schaner, ME Chase, JS Mitchell, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 25 (3), 482-491, 1999
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