Lisa Buche
Cited by
Cited by
Niche differences, not fitness differences, explain predicted coexistence across ecological groups
L Buche, JW Spaak, J Jarillo, F De Laender
Journal of Ecology 110 (11), 2785-2796, 2022
Non‐random interactions within and across guilds shape the potential to coexist in multi‐trophic ecological communities
D García‐Callejas, O Godoy, L Buche, M Hurtado, JB Lanuza, ...
Ecology Letters 26 (6), 831-842, 2023
Multitrophic higher-order interactions modulate species persistence
L Buche, I Bartomeus, O Godoy
The American Naturalist 203 (4), 458-472, 2024
Sparse positive and negative weak interactions drive plant species performance in a diverse community
L Buche, L Shoemaker, P Vesk, I Bartomeus, L Hallett, C Weiss-Lehman, ...
Niche and fitness differences across environmental conditions and ecosystem types
L Buche, F De Laender
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Articles 1–5